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Blair's pov

Today's the day that Alex's parents arrive. Alex is very quiet today unlike normal and Grey is all tensed up and bossy. I can definitely tell they don't like it when they come down. 

I flop down on the couch beside Alex. "So when are they getting here" I ask. "In about 30 minutes" He sighs and places his head in his head. His elbows rest on his knees holing his head up. 

His head lifts up as the door bell rings. 

"Ill get it" Alex stands from his seat and rushes to the door. 

He opens it and there stand two people. A women and a man I'm assuming their his parents. The man looks just like him but so does the women.

The man looks so strict and he doesn't have any emotion. His hair is black with a bit of grey. The women has blonde hair with also a it of grey streaks running through it. Unlike the man, she looks so happy and cheerful. 

"Mom, Father. Your here. Early" Alex embraces his mom for a hug and shakes his fathers hand. 

"Yes we are. Surprise" His mother sounds like a very nice person. 

Grey leaves the kitchen and goes to the door to join them. 

He immediately kisses the women's cheek and then doesn't do anything to the man except give him a weird look. 

I stay on the couch to make sure I don't get in their way and this is their family business. Not mine. 

"Hey Scarlett" Grey gives a small smile to the women. "Enzo" He lightly nods his head at the man. 

Enzo and Scarlett. I guess those are their names. They sound so normal to be in the mafia.

Grey leaves the three of them and walks over to me on the couch. He extends his hand out for mine "Come here".

"No" I shake my head no and move away from him. 

"Darling come on. Your gonna have to meet them at some point" he walks closer to me on the couch. 

"Fine" I sigh and put my hand in his. 

I stand up from the couch and walk over to Enzo and Scarlett, still holding Grey's hand. 

Scarlett's the first one to see me. She walks over to me with a big smile on her face and immediately embraces me in her arms. I hug her back. 

"Hello, you must be Blair" She pulls away from the hug with a very big smile. 

"Yeah that's me" I smile back at her. 

"Your even more beautiful from what Greyson said" She glances over at Grey and then back at me. 

"Thanks" I let out a small laugh. 

"Its nice to meet you sir" I turn towards Enzo and extend my hand. 

He glances down then reluctantly shakes it. 

"Cant say the same for you" His voice is stern and deep. 

Scarlett gives him a slap on the shoulder and I let out a little giggle. 

"Lets go get you guys settled in" Alex takes his moms stuff and starts walking up the stairs to one of the many guest rooms. His parents follow behind him. 

I glance over at Grey who seems to already hate them being here. 

"Are you okay" I ask him and he lets out a sigh. "Yeah I'm fine" 

I know he's lying but right now is not this time to go into it so instead I just wrap my arms around his torso and give him a hug. 

He hugs me back for a while until we hear foot steps coming closer to us. 

We both look to see who it is and its just Alex. 

"Where's your parents" Grey asks him. 

"Upstairs putting there stuff away" He sighs and reaches the bottom of the steps. 

"Did you find out how long they are staying for" I ask him. 

"1 week. Then they are heading back to France for a bit then god knows where" 

I can tell Alex and Grey hate them being here. Alex is nothing like normal. He's usually laughing and annoying Grey but he seems so angry and not like himself. 

So far I don't mind them being here. Scarlett seems to be nice and I cant wait to get to know her more but Enzo doesn't seem like a nice guy. 

"Ill go make some supper for every one" I leave Grey and Alex alone and walk into the kitchen. 

I start making some casserole with my moms famous recipe that she taught me. 

I finish cooking and put a scoop of food on every plate then put them down on the dinner table.

"Dinners ready" I yell, hoping everyone would hear me. 

I hear 2 sets of heavy foot steps coming into the kitchen. Grey and Alex. 

Next a soft pair of foot steps and a very heavy and deep set of foot steps. Scarlett and Enzo. 

We all take a seat at the table. I sit beside Grey and Alex sits across from us. Enzo has the head masters seat and Scarlett's sits beside Alex. 

We all eat in silence. I can feel the tension between Grey and Enzo. They wont even look at each other. 

"So Blair, do you have any family" Scarlett asks. 

Grey puts his hand on my thigh, knowing I always tear up talking about my family ever since they banished me. 

"Yes I do. I have a mother, father, and a little sister" I reply to her question and I don't even get teary eyed. 

"Her father owns the dark's, fifth biggest mafia dear" Enzo finally says something for the first time since we sat down but he said fifth, My father is in fourth. 

"Excuse me sir, I believe my father is in fourth not fifth" I speak up and Grey instantly tightens his grip on my thigh. 

"He's moved down and never talk to me like that again" Enzo orders in a mean tone. 

I roll my eyes as a reflex without realizing it. I have gotten use to rolling my eyes when ever I'm yelled at, I started doing it to my dad and now its just a bad habit. 

Enzo immediately stand up from the seat and whips his plate off the table making it hit the wall. 

I jump from the sound. 

"How dare you roll your eyes at me you little brat" He shouts and I can see Grey getting mad beside me. 

Grey stands up quickly and challenges him. "Never say that to my girl again" He orders. From the height difference between them Grey almost has to look down at him. 

"Greyson Hendrix look what this girl is doing to you. You have turned weak, boy" He spits in Grey's face and Grey immediately punches him in the face. 

Enzo falls to the ground.

"I am not some little teenager you can push around anymore Enzo. I'm a man" Grey sounds angrier than I have ever heard him.

Grey storms out of the room and I hear his foot steps pound up the stairs. 

I quickly leave my seat and go follow after him. 

Main Insta- leahaa_17

Characters Insta- kaqxcharecters 

Um so I'm not gonna say anything. 

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