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Blair's pov

We enter a dark black room with a guy sitting behind a table. He looks scared and beaten up already. Probably from Greyson's men dragging him in here. 

"I don't know what to do" I turn to Greyson and then back to the guy sitting behind the table. 

"Don't worry, I'll show you how to do it" He glances down at me before walking to the man. 

Greyson's fist collides with the mans jaw in a matter of seconds. Blood starts pouring down the mans face. 

I feel so bad for him, no one deserves to be treated this way. 

"That was warning one, your going to tell her everything we need to know or there will be a warning two but a lot harder" Greyson grabs the back of the mans head, making the man look at him in the face. 

"Ill take it from here" I step in front of Greyson to try and block the man from getting another punch to the face. I don't want to see him die and I know Greyson could easily kill him. I hate people dying, I hate everything surrounding death because when I turned 18 its all I knew. 

I have killed people before but it took a lot in me. 

Greyson steps away and I turn back around to the man.

The man looks to be in his yearly 20's maybe even younger, he definitely doesn't know what he's doing by the looks of it. 

"Who are you working for" I question him not knowing what to say or do. I've watched a lot of cop shows and they say that a lot so it the first thing that came to mind. 

"What kind of stupid fucking question is that, we already know he's apart of Raul's mafia" Greyson's low voice bounces off the walls making a small echo. 

"I told you I don't know what I'm doing" I mumble back to him. I can see him roll his eyes. 

"Where is Raul right now" I grip the man's jaw like in the movies. 

I don't hear Greyson correcting me so I must of did it right this time. 

The man looks me in the eyes and scoffs, knowing I'm not any good at this "I ain't telling you shit baby girl".

My eyes widen at him when he calls me that and my first instinct is to kick him the balls. So I did. 

I groans in pain and hunches over in the seat. 

"Never call be baby girl, now tell me where Raul is or I will do it again" I try my best to be as tuff I can be. 

Greyson still hasn't said anything so I guess I'm doing a good job which is surprising since I've never done this before. 

"He's at a warehouse a couple hours away from here making a deal with some one" The man finally speaks as he recovers from me kicking him where the sun don't shine. 

"Who" Greyson budges in, I can tell he's interested in what the guys saying now. 

The man doesn't talk so Greyson grabs his jaw and points his head towards him "Tell the fuck who" Greyson raises his voice and orders the man. 

"I don't know, Raul didn't tell anyone he just left and said he's gone to make a deal" The man hesitates to speak but speaks anyways. 

Greyson lets go of his firm grip on the man jaw and stand back up straight. 

"That's all we needed to know" Greyson swings an arm at the mans face once more before the the room looking angry. 

"You! Do something with the man back there" Greyson orders a random man walking by him while i try and catch up with him. 

"Did I do a good job in there? I thought I could have done a lit- You did good for yours first time" Greyson cuts me off in my rambling which is probably a good thing since I can rambler on for hours. 

"Really" I glance up at Greyson in disbelieve. "Yes" He glances back at me but with no emotion on his face. 

I break out ding my happy dance in the middle of the hallway. I cant contain my excitement some times. 

Greyson looks back at me doing my happy in a confused way. What the hell are doing" He questions as I continue dancing.

"My happy dance" I stop and just look at him while he still stares at me in confusion.

"Well stop it, this place is no place for 'happy dances', understood" He continues walking. 

"Understood" I almost have to job to keep up with his long strides. 

I feel like I'm following him around like a lost puppy. Which I kind of am since I still don't know where barely anything is in this place. 

Greyson looks down at me, probably wondering why I'm still following him "Go practice throwing knifes or something" He orders as I continue walking.

"I want to come with you, on this mission to g get Raul or whatever his name is" I insist and remain following him. 

"No" Greyson responses dryly. 

"Please, ill get on my knees and beg if I have to" I beg. 

Greyson stops mid walking, making me bump into him. 

"Save the begging for later but the answer is still no" He smirks but it goes away quickly. Gross, why in the world would I beg him. He's a murderer and mean. 

"Please, I want to train" I'm going on that mission whether he like it or not. 

"Fine but you have to stay in the back and don't do anything stupid" He rolls his eyes and sighs as he continues walking. 

"Yay" I almost break out in my happy dance, again but Greyson stops me before I can even break out one move "No happy dance. Be ready at 7, we'll meet up here and then we'll leave here after everyone arrives" Greyson's office door and he stops in the door frame, blocking me from entering. 

"Okay, sounds good" I nod and Greyson shuts his door in my face.

Now that Greyson's not around and cant see me anymore.... Happy dance. 

I break out my first couple of moves in front of Greyson's door. 

"Stop" Greyson's voice breaks through the door, making me stop dead in my tracks. 

How in the world did he know?

I walk off back to the exit to go prepare for the mission. 

Main Insta- leahaa_17

Characters Insta- kaqxcharecters 

If you came from my tik tok account, I'm really sorry if this isnt was you were expecting and if its horrible. I'm not a professional writer so I'm not that good but I am trying my best. 

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