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Blair's pov

I sit on my own bed this time. Grey had to go to work so I went back to my apartment since I haven't been here in so long. 

I flip to an open page in my journal and take out a pen from my night stand. 

Hey it's Blair, 

I still don't know how to start this things but anyways. I finally found out Grey's name after 2 hours of non stop asking him. I really thought it was gonna be like the best middle name in the entire world and it was gonna be so miraculous but its just 'Thiago' Don't get me wrong I love the name and it suits him very well. Also makes him even hotter but from the way he was talking it was gonna be way more big. 

Anyways that's all I have to say today and I might be back later but I don't know, Grey has me so busy. 

Bonsoir my golden nugget Bonsoir. Till morrow -British accent

I close my journal and put it down beside me. 

I look out my window from where I'm siting when my ring tone interrupts me. 

I pick up the phone tp be greeted by Grey's hot face. He hasn't shaved his face in a little bit so he has a tiny bit of stubble growing on his chin so it makes him look even hotter than before.

"Hey love" His face instantly lights up when I pick up the phone.  

*They're on face time just in case its confusing* -Author

"Hi pretty boy" I give him a smile. 

"So I called to ask you if you wanted to come to my place for a bit, I have Alex and a few other of my best co workers coming over to disgust an upcoming thing and I kind of want you there" He says as he walks into his at home office. He is always in there doing work but I've only been in there a couple of times. 

"Sure" I shrug. 

"Okay ill come pick you up in 5 minutes" He hangs up the phone. 

I put my phone down beside me and rush into the bathroom to pee. 

I change my outfit quickly since I don't think they want to see me in pj shorts and one of Grey's hoodies I stole from his house. They are so freaking big on me and almost go down to my knees but they smell just like him and he smells absolutely amazing, he smells like heaven on earth. They are so comforter able and warm so it doesn't matter even though If I wanted to get warm I could just hug Grey since he's like a built in heater. 

I rush to the door and as soon as I open it I am greeted with Grey who looks like he was just about to knock. 

"Oh sorry I was gonna meet you down stairs" I chuckle and move past him to shut the door behind me. 

I turn to him after shutting the door and look up at him. I swear I need to get a step stool or something cause my neck is gonna hurt so bad if I keep doing this. 

"Well that wouldn't have been very gentleman like of me" He glances down and my and puts his hands on my hips. 

"No it wouldn't have been" I smile and put my lips on his. 

He holds the kiss for a bit longer then finally pulls away. 

"Lets go" He says and starts walking. 

He hand lays on my lower back as we walk to his car. As usual he opens my door for me and I hop in. 


We arrive at his house and we both step out of his car and start walking to his house. 

Before I reach to open his front door and stops me by stepping between me and the door. 

"Before we go in there I need to warn you. The men in there don't have a filter and are a part of the mafia so be careful and stay close to me. They should behave good since I am their boss but they will be drinking so they can act up" He warns. 

"Okay, its not like they can handle me anyways. None the men in there can hold me back" I laugh and go into a fight pose. 

Grey smiles down as me and just shakes his head. 

He opens the door for me and I walk in but as I do so He tickles my side and I let out a little giggle. 

I quickly turn back towards him and and give him a bossy look but he just smirks and signals my to be quiet. As a joke of course.

We walk into his kitchen/ dining room area and are greeted by 4 men. All have dark hair. They aren't as tall as Grey or a big as him but I can tell they look to be in the mafia. One of the men I have already kind of met in the knife range, his names Tony I think. The other 3 I don't know. 

Alex comes around the corner and gives me a friendly smile. At least I know one person in here now. 

All the men turn towards me and Grey. Their eyes never leave and and keep staring at me. 

"Hi I'm Blair" I break the silence in the room. 

The first man comes up to me. The tallest one out of the 4 but not as tall as Grey. "Hey I'm Chris" He holds out his hands and politely shake it. 

The next comes up and I instantly notice his green eyes. He's the only person out of the 4 to have green eyes. "I'm Sebastian" He doesn't do anything but smile at me then walk to the table where Chris already sits.

Every one has a beer in their hand except for me and Grey. 

"Greyson come here" Alex shouts from the table with Chris and Sebastian. Grey walks away from me and sits down at the head of the table, taking a beer from Alex. 

I turn back towards the guys with only 2 left. 

The one from the knife range comes up to me and I give him a friendly smile since I kind of already know him. 

"Hey Blair I don't know if you remember me or not but I'm Tony" He says. 

"Yeah your Tony from the knife range" I let out a small laugh and he does the same. 

"Well Ill see you over there" He walks away from me and over to the table where the rest sit. 

I give him a smile and turn to the last guy. 

"So your the girl that has managed to pull Greyson" He chuckles and walks closer to me. 

"Yeah that's me" I chuckle nervously as he walks closer to me. 

He leans down close to me ear "Well if you want some advise, Greyson's not the type to settle down, he'll be with you for a week than dump you. Me on the other hand, Ill be with you forever baby girl" He whispers closer to me ear. 

"I'm sorry what" I gently push him away from me not trying to draw any attention. 

"I'm Max by the way" He smirks and walks to the table with all the other men. 

I glance over at grey who's talking to them all. He's already on his second beer bottle since his first ones on the table empty. 

He glances over at me an give me a small smile. He gestures his head for me to come over and join them and I do so but the only available seat is by Max. 

This is gonna be a long night. 

No words to be said here. 

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