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Blair's pov

I still cant rap my head around what happened yesterday, I didn't know he had that side to him but today is a new day and sadly I have work again. Don't get me wrong I love my job but it can be tiring sometimes and he still has me in the training center even though I was in the mafia for 3 years prier to this.

Snapping myself out of my thoughts, I flop onto my bed and open my journal. I have been writing in my journals since I was 13, over the years they became an escape and a break from reality. Its the only thing now a days that is good in my life. 

I flip through the pages that are filled with words to find a clean one. I thought for a moment for what I wanted to write but once I started writing it down 

Hey journal, 

Its been a few days since I wrote in you due to the fact that I've been jammed packed busy but i finally got some time today. I got accepted into the Scar's an so far it isnt that bad. The leader, Greyson, is so hot but everybody fears him and I know why. He is always so serious but I see something in him, I don't know why and how but I do.

He's keeping me in the training center but I know I can go further, I just have to prove it to him. 

Nobody in my family has tried to contact me yet and I've had so many temptations to call them but I need to move on, they clearly don't want me anymore. 

I still haven't made nay friends yet but I got my own apartment and its really nice. Its weird living on my own but after a while I didn't mind it. I get to get as much ice cream as I want now and I can also run around butt naked, even though its filled with windows but whos gonna be able to up to the 7th level?

Anyways, that's all. Ill write in you later!

Bye for now.

I close my journal and just sit there for a while, staring at the wall and thinking about everything in my life. 

I would like to contact my family and start talking to them again especially my little sister, Bethany, I'm the only friend she really has and and she's the only friend I have so we need each other in a sense.

I snap myself out of my thoughts when I hear my phone ringing beside me. As I pick it up I hear a voice I am now too familiar will. A voice that can easily send shivers down my spine. Greyson. 

"Come into work, there's some one I would like you to meet" He sounds angry, I don't know what at though. "Coming".  He hangs up the phone I get in my car to drive to the base.


After walking through the many doors I finally reach the training center, also where I spend most of my days now. 

I see Greyson and another guy walking towards me. The guy has blonde hair with a bit of brown and looks happy, unlike Greyson. He has a muscular body but isnt as muscular as Greyson. He looks so much different than Greyson. 

"Blair, I would like you to meet Alex" He looks over at Alex then back at me. Alex extends his hand for mine and I polity shake it. "Hello, its nice to meet you" He looks me up and down like I'm a meal to devour; Weird. "Nice to meet you to" I keep my voice professional to let him know I'm not interested. 

He lets go of my hand and stands up tall again. He's a little bit shorter then Greyson but still pretty tall compared to me. 

"So, how do you know Greyson" I ask, trying to switch the topic. "We have been best friends since we were kids" He looks proud to say that and I can understand why. "Don't call me your bestfriend, ever" Greyson's stern voice lightly echoed in the room as he finished the sentence. 

"Anyways, Blair go practice throwing knifes and Alex you come with me to my office" He demanded has he turned around and started to walk away in the direction of his office. "Yes boss" Alex stood in a solider position which made me giggle a bit. When Alex caught up to him I could see in the corner of my eye Greyson smacking the back of his head in a joke way making me lightly laugh as I continue to walk to the knife throwing range.

Greyson has me training in knifes a lot instead of doing what I really love; Guns. 

Greyson's pov

As me and Alex enter my office I hear him shut the door behind him. 

"You didn't tell me she was that hot, have you fucked her yet?" He asked with a joking tone in his voice. I give him an evil look in disgust "Why would I fuck her". I sat down at my desk as angry filled me.

Alex has always knew how to get under my skin and can do it very easily. He's also a child at and heart and I have no clue why he's in the mafia. 

"Oh come on, I saw the connection between you and you never let just any person on your team and this is the first girl you have added" He insisted, trying to prove a point. 

"I don't know what you are talking about" I keep my voice stern as I look down at my feet to distract myself from him 

His mouth drops open as he sees me looking down "OooOohH some one likes her". "I don't know, there's just something about her that draws me in. She's different than anyone I have ever met before and I don't know why, she seems normal to me but I don't know" I look back up at him and my voice looses its sternness. I've always been able to be myself around Alex ever since we were little kids. 

"Wow I haven't seen you like this over a girl since Mary brown" His voice is filled with laughter. "Shut up, I was 9 and that chicken was really good".  Our laughter fills the room. 

An: I have so many funny plans for Alex, you guys are gonna love him!
Main Insta- leahaa_17
Characters Insta- kaqxcharecters 

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