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Blair's pov

All 4 of us sit in Grey's mothers living room. 

She seems like a very nice lady so far. I wouldn't mind having her as a mother n  law.

Stop it Blair. 

"So mom, how long have you been living here for" Grey asks her. 

"Little less than 5 years I believe. Before this we were living in France but it was to cold there" She replies with a smile. 

Grey just slightly nods his head. 

You can cut the awkwardness in this room with a knife. I don't blame him though, he hasn't seen or talked to his mother since he was 7 so there would obviously be tension. 

"I should go check the oven, don't want to burn the pie" She says and stands up. 

When she leaves the room Grey whispers in my ear "Wanna go for a walk outside" 

"Sure" I whisper back. 

We both stand up and he leads me outside. 

We start walking up the street. 

"How are you feeling, about this mom thing" I ask him. 

He takes my hand as we continue walking. "I don't know yet. So far she seem really nice but it also feels like I don't know her at all" 

"You'll get use to it, eventually" I sigh. 

"Hopefully" His gaze falls to the ground in front of us. 

Silence falls upon us for a short time. 

"Are you sure it was a good idea to leave your dad alone back at the house" I ask him, trying to change the topic. 

"Why wouldn't it be" She looks at me confused. 

"It just that we have only known him for 2 weeks, you didn't even check him down when he walked through the front door" I state. 

"Well Alex is there so he's not all alone and plus he's my dad, I guess I was wishing he really had changed which by the looks of it, he has" He replies. 

"That's good, I want you to have the family you never really got" I smile lightly. 

"Well if this family thing doesn't work out, your all the family I need. We will just kick Alex out of the house" He chuckles. 

I let out a small laugh and we continue our walk. 


We walk back into the house where his mom sits. 

"There you two love birds are" She says with a smile. 

Annabelle is really nice, she reminds me of my mother in a way; always smiling and happy, very welcoming. It's making me miss my mother even more since I haven't seen her for a long time, since Grey was still in the hospital with his gun shot. 

I can see why some one like her doesn't want to be in the mafia. Her heart is to pure for it. My mother doesn't hate the mafia but she also doesn't like it but she would never leave like Annabelle did. 

"Suppers ready" The man Annabelle married yells from the dining room. 

Annabelle leads us into the room and we all take our seats. 

A perfectly cooked home meal of carrots and pork. 

"How do you like the food Blair" Annabelle asks from her seat. 

"Its so good" I smile. 

"What about you Greyson" She gives me a smile then turns to Grey. 

"Its good" He replies. 

"So how exactly did you find me son" Annabelle breaks the silence that fells upon us. 

"Dad left when I was 17 and this entire time he was looking for you mom. he only just came back about 2 weeks ago" He replies and she instantly goes cold. 

"Please don't talk about your father" She says sternly. 

"I was just telling you the truth. He seemed pretty upset to know you have moved on but happy that you found what you were always looking for" He says. 

"Greyson we don't talk about him in this household" She raises her tone. 

"He was a pretty damn big part of your life at one point mom so I don't see what the big deal is" He raises his tone to match hers.

"Greyson thiago Hendrix, you listen to me boy" She snaps. 

Grey stands up from his seat quickly. 

"You don't get to speak to me like that mother. You lost the privilege when you left" He yells. 

She follows him and stands up. 

"This was a bad idea you coming here, I think you should leave" She yells. 

"Perfect idea. Blair lets go" He yells and walks to the door. 

I stand up from my seat and scurry to catch up to him. 

"I'm so sorry" I whisper behind me before shutting the door and walking out. 

Grey storms to the car and slams the car door shut behind him. 

I climb in the seat beside him. 

Silence falls in the car. 

"You wanna talk about it" I break the silence and glance over at him.

His hand has a firm grip on the steering wheel and his face is emotionless. His eyes are glued to the road. 

"No" He says sternly. 

"Okay but if you want to I'm here" I say. 

He doesn't say anything and instead just keeps driving. 


We arrive at the hotel and he storms out of the car all the way up to our room. 

Alex lays on the bed watching TV with a big bowl of popcorn. 

Grey storms into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. 

"Whats wrong with him" Alex asks from the bed. 

"Mother issues" I sigh and sit down beside him. 

Grey comes out of the bathroom. 

"I can see smoke coming out of your nose Greyson" Alex chuckles from the bed. 

Grey turns around and walks over to his side of the bed. 

He picks him up by the hem of his shirt and throws him to the wall making the popcorn go every wheres. 

He walks over to where he threw Alex as he lays groaning and picks him back up by the hem of his shirt. 

Alex's feet dangle a couple inches from the floor. 

I rush over to Grey and Alex. 

"Grey please put him down" I say and nothing changes. 

"Grey please, you don't want to do this. He's your best friend" I gently grab his arm.

He takes a minute then slowly lets go of him and places him back down on the ground.

His gaze falls down  to the ground. 

"Pack your things, we are leaving" He finally speaks up and walks over to his dresser. 

This chapter took me so darn long to write, I had no motivation to do it but I finally got it done so we are all good :)

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