Chapter 11

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Lisa woke up in the middle of the night and sat up straight. She looked around and saw Taehyung on the big round chair. It doesn't look uncomfortable though.

"Right. This isn't my house.." Lisa whispered to herself and yawned. She looked at the city lights and most of them are off at this hour.

Lisa remembered placing her phone on Taehyung's side table. She reached for it and checked the time. It's currently 1:45 am.

Lisa yawned again and went out of the of the bed. She wore the slippers and faced the bed. She fixed the bed carefully, making sure that she won't wake Taehyung up.

Lisa walked out of the room quietly, with her phone on her hand. The cold temperature greeted her when she opened the door. She carefully closed it and walked to his big and comfy sofa upstairs.

Lisa hopped on it and opened her phone.

"3:00 AM..." Lisa set an alarm on her phone and laid down on the sofa. It was big enough for her. She and Taehyung can definitely cuddle in here.

Lisa used all the big pillows and placed it above her body as it was so cold. The three big pillows was enough for her to feel warm.

Lisa decided to go back to sleep.


Taehyung went out of the bed when he realized that Lisa is seriously sleeping on his bed. He grabbed his laptop and walked to his chair. He had no choice but to ignore the girl that is peacefully sleeping on his bed.

I can't believe that that girl is sleeping on my bed first. Even Irene haven't set foot on this room and this girl just shamelessly walked in my life. It's like.. she doesn't care about anything other than herself.

Taehyung rolled his eyes on the girl that is sleeping.

"Definitely not my likings..." Taehyung talked to himself and sighed.

Taehyung continued doing his work and actually felt nothing. He didn't feel the presence of Lisa because she didn't move nor produced a single sound. He looked at her and can barely see her as she wrapped the blanket around her body. Even her long hair is not showing.

Lisa doesn't snore, no matter how tired she is. She just doesn't. She's also not a naughty sleeper. She just sleeps in one position and that's it.

Taehyung decided to turn off his computer and called it a day. He decided to just sleep on the chair as it was big and comfortable enough for him. He's not planning to sleep on his bed especially when there's a stranger in it.

It's exactly midnight and Taehyung dozed off.


The alarm rang so loud that Lisa immediately sat straight and reached for her phone. She's afraid that she might wake Taehyung up. She turned the alarm off and grabbed the pillow that was on the floor. It's exactly 3 in the morning.

Lisa stood up and fixed the sofa she slept on. She didn't forget to arrange the pillows the same way as she saw before sleeping on it.

Lisa went to the bathroom and the lights turned on itself. She walked to the mirror to check herself.

Nothing happened. Same old Lisa.

Lisa walked to the side of the door where a lot of towels are stacked and looked for a bathrobe. She succeeded in finding one and wore it. She went to the sink and opened the drawer to brush her teeth.

Lisa brushed her teeth and rinsed her mouth thoroughly. She went out of the bathroom and went to his closet. She undressed herself and wore the bathrobe above.

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