!!The Mission!!

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Bucky POV:-

"I should really install curtains in these windows......Ahhhhh I hate this sunlight" I tossed and turned over and over until I finally gave up and woke up. I still can't open my eyes although I got up and I solely think this is Sam's fault, he  kept me up  in training late.

I got up and head out to bathroom, I freshen up and head out for breakfast. As I was walking to the kitchen I saw Tony and Bruce discussing something in lab, by looking at their faces I tell there is something bad but I don't wanna start my day with some science malfunction. 

As I reach kitchen I saw Steve , Nat and Clint sipping coffee. 

"Morning solider" Nat said as she saw me coming there way.

"Morning Buck" Steve said. Clint just bobbed his head up in saying "Whatssup!!". 

"Hey Steve and Nat and Clint I know your trying all those teenage slangs and everything to be close to your boy but it ain't working to say truth" I said with a grin on my face knowing I just pissed him off.

"Look who's saying someone who himself is 106 years old" He said. I looked him in "really man " expression and he stopped talking and Nat just laughed. But Steve caught my attention he was again and again looking at laboratory, "Everything okay Steve" I asked . 

"N-no not really, There is something going on and Tony and Bruce are just checking if my hunch is real." He said looking down sighing. "Hunch about what!?" Clint asked.

"Yesterday As I was returning from hospital after visiting Peggy, I just wanted to clear my mind and I just wandered around the place and as I was wandering I came pretty far, as I looked around I couldn't identify the place but there was this abandoned place and as I was about to turn I saw someone bring in many girl and there were crying, the men surrounding them were well armed but not some normal weapon, the weapons were like sceptors just like Loki's before I could do anything a man just did something with that sceptor and that place vanished right in front of my eye , I got  worried and I told Tony and Bruce and they are trying to track that place. Its just I wish I could hurry and just enter the place then I could have saved those girls." 

I have never seen Steve so down, just then I looked and saw Tony and Bruce rushing towards us as if they got those men. 

"Guys suit up quick, we got the location Cap!  we don't have much time and just a heads up after seeing the radiations they are not just normal men so be prepared. I am heading out to get the Quinjet meet me out in 5."

We all rushed up and I could clearly see determination in Steve's eyes the determination to destroy them. We rushed in Quinjet and head out, as we were near the location Tony got out in his suit and auto piloted the Quinjet and it headed to a safe location to land. 

Tony took a quick scan and told there are around 20 people detected but dead and there are 15 people in there alive. We rushed to the front door and I knocked it with my arm as we stepped in we were shocked and confused to see the sight. 

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