!!My peace place!!

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Bucky POV:

As y/n was telling her story I could see that she started to shiver as if she is experiencing all that right now. Looking at her I could tell she is traumatized by all what happened. I stopped her in between and said: "y/n, I am here now nothing is going to happen, okay! I know you are still scared, you are shivering as you are telling me the story. If you are uncomfortable you can tell me rest later when you feel comfortable. " 

she sighed as she looked down. I don't know why but I had a urge to wrap her in my arms, to tell her I am by her side. I answered to my urges and I wrapped her in my arms hugging her tight so that she stops shivering.

Y/n POV:

As I was contemplating in whether I should continue telling him my story or not. I felt a pair of arms wrapping me in a hug. I could feel my cheeks burning and my heart beating fast. I looked towards Bucky and he smiled at me and said "shhhh... no need to think about all that anymore. calm down and leave all the worries behind."

I snuggled my face in his chest to hide how hard I was blushing but other than blushing, I knew I was at ease when I am in his arms.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and we snuggled more close to each other, I know it's too early to be this close to someone who you just met but there was something different about him I felt from the very point I saw him. 

In his arms, I felt like a new me.... it felt like the sea storm inside me just settled down and now its just the calm sea with sun shining bright..... my heart clamed down ... it felt like I can be with him forever. His arms, his body smell , his warmth I guess I just found my peace place.

B-but is it just me feeling like this , I-I mean he might have hugged me out of pity. I just shook my head and released the hug looking down.  Just one thing was wandering around my mind "what if... he only hugged you as a friend..... stop y/n stop catching feelings for him.... maybe its nothing for him stop...." but on the outside  I just smiled and said to him "Thanks for support, it felt light telling you the story."

Bucky POV:

I didn't want to let go of her. I could stay like that forever. I wanted her be with me like that for a little long but I guess she doesn't feel the same as I feel . 

As she thanks me for listening to her story I felt a bit formality in the conversation and replied looking forward not meeting her eyes "I am all ears whenever you want someone to listen."

After that we sat there in silence until the silence was filled with  Tony's  expensive car's engine sound.

"I guess he's back, let's head in." I said.

"Yeah, let's go." she said getting up.

As she walked past me towards the building the only thing my mind was screaming seeing her back was "I wish I could tell you what I feel for you." I sighed and started walking.

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