!!The Tease!!

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Bucky POV:-

All the way back to the compound y/n is just wandering her eyes, there is something bothering her I guess or it might be that  she might be not comfortable with us, we are still stranger for her. I wish I could make her feel home. 

While I was watching her, her wandering eyes met mine and I just gave her the warmest smile I could give to make her feel home , that's only thing I can do right now hope it helps her.

She gave back a assuring smile that she is okay. I was relieved.   


As my head was preoccupied with all the blunders happening at my home , my eyes met with Bucky and I guess he was concerned about me. He gave a sweet, warm smile. I know that this smile of his  might not solve the problems going on back at my house but this smile was helping me turn my head all the way around and to my surprise my problems for even a second was gone.

I gave back a assuring smile to him so that he knows I am okay and his smile made me relieved.

We reached Avengers compound Tony landed the Quinjet and we entered the building. As we reached the main living hall Tony turned and said "Well kid get some rest for now and we'll have a talk after that! okay. Bucky could you show y/n the room I guess the room across you is empty." 

Bucky POV:-

"Y-Yeah  sure c-come y/n" I said, y/n smiled seeing me shutter like that.

"Come I'll lead you to your room" I said and she joined me on the way to her room.

"Well , as you heard I am just across your room so if you need anything then I am just a knock away "I said but saw her halt in the way.

"What happened , did I said something wrong" I turned and asked her worried that did I crossed any line. 

She looked up and met my eyes and then she slowly started coming towards me, I started walking backward not because I was scared of her or anything I mean .... 

oh who am I kidding..... those 20 bloody bodies were flashing in front of my eyes. 

I stopped as my back hit the wall and she came right in front of me and she had a smirk, a evil smirk on her face, she slightly titled her face and said

"Anything, Anything I need?" she asked, I gulped down seeing her eyes stare right down in my soul. Now I know how people must have felt my stare.  

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