!!The Encounter!!

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Bucky POV:-

As we entered there were bodies spread all around and to our surprise not of hostages it was the men who Steve saw. My eye caught something as I came close to one of the bodies It seemed like it was attacked by some animal, the body had many scratches and cuts like a lion or leopard could make. 

Just then we heard a sound of a a glass dropping we all got our focus on the voice and head in the next hall of the building. As we entered we saw the hostages (girls) but just in front of them was person in black suit, with the posture and suit I could tell it was a woman that woman had thigh suspenders with guns in it and she had shining sharp and dangerous nails and we knew who did to those men back there.  

"Who ever you are drop your weapon and turn around!!" Tony said. 

She just turned her head slight looking in our way and she smirked us like she was mocking us but I don't know why I was so turned on by her I don't even know if she is one of those bad guys. but  those curves of hers were playing their role pretty nicely.

She turned around facing us and now I am more intimidated by her. Although I can only she her eyes because of her mask but those eyes they are just so capturing I was just looking at her without any blink and she noticed it, she gave a wicked smirk like this isn't her first time when a man is staring her, with that smirk I broke the eye contact. 

Before she could say anything a Quinjet landed right outside and we saw T'Challa A.K.A Black Panther walking out and entering the building with all his guards by his side. 

He just walked past us and stood in front of her. "As expected , you did a great job Princess!" We all looked at each other in just confusion, just then Tony moved forward. 

"Care to explain what is going on......??"  just in his starky tone.

T'Challa turned and said "Sorry! Didn't see you there actually this is Y/N A.K.A. The Lioness. She is the princess of our neighboring  kingdom.

As soon as T'Challa ended with his introduction she came forward and removed her mask revealing her beautiful black brown hairs with her beautiful face, I was just mesmerized by her beauty. I have never really never seen some one so so beautiful . Before she removed her mask her eyes they made me awstruck but now that I have seen her face its hard to stop looking at her.

"Its a pleasure meeting you all, I am Y/n" she said.

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