!!Shoulder to rest upon!!

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I was with Bruce trying to understand all the techy stuff he was doing but it wasn't that fun as I always used to have with Shuri, I excused myself as I didn't wanted to be rude to Bruce. 

As I was heading back to my room, I saw Steve and Bucky standing at Bucky's door and I heard him saying "Sorry buck, let's watch it next time I have to go now." and Bucky replied understanding him and with concern in his eyes " No worries, you take care of her." and with that Steve turned around and saw me and his facial muscles lighten a bit as he said to me "Hey! Y/n You wanna watch a movie ? " and since I was hella bored I squealed and said "Yes , I want to."

Steve smiled and said "Well, Bucky is watching a nice movie all alone would you like to join him?" I peaked over Steve to see Bucky eagerly waiting for my answer  as I replied "Yeah, I would love to " , I bended a bit to see Bucky and said "Do you want me to join you ?" I asked in the most cutest way and showing him puppy eyes so that even if the as plans to say no he can't say no.

Bucky replied in a stern voice "Yeah sure, you can join me. I'll set up the movie DVD and call you in 10 minutes." with that he went inside him room shutting his door.

Bucky POV:-

What was that, what was that look, her eyes her face. It was just like she was doing some magic at me. I placed my hand above my heart and I could feel it beat so fast that it is going to pop out of my body. "Damn this girl is making me crazy."


WOW just WOW my puppy eyes didn't even made his voice soft , every time I used my puppy eyes with father and brother or even with T'Challa they used to melt. Something is wrong with him. I was wondering all shitty thoughts in my mind when Steve snapped me back to reality and said "well, I have some work to do I am going to head out. Enjoy you movie." I smiled back at Steve and said "Thank you Steve, and you take care."

I  went back in my room took a quick shower and put on some nice pjs Nat gave me before, I let my hairs loose and completed my look with some strawberry chapstick. As soon as I was done with my look I heard a knock at my door and Bucky's voice came after that "Y/n, the set is ready come , I am starting." "Yeah  coming." I replied back. 

I headed to Bucky's room his room was cozy and warm, and the room smelled the same as what I smelled when I hugged him. Bucky patted the space beside him for me to come. I went and sat near him.

Bucky POV:- 

As Y/N entered my room , She was scanning the room while my eyes were only stuck on her. The pink pjs looked cute on her but the cuteness didn't hide the hotness of her curves. Her beautiful hair loose down, my eyes scanned every inch of her body that's when it landed on her lips with some pinkish tint on then they looked like a sweet pinkish plum and I just wanted to bite her lip.

I looked at her and patted the space beside me on the bed. She cutely walked towards me and sat beside me and as she sat I covered her with the blanket I was sharing. She looked at me and asked "what movie are we watching ?" I replied to her "Oh it's a 1940's romantic comedy movie "Doctor takes a wife" I hope you don't get bored. " She smiled at me and said "Oh you were going to watch a romantic comedy with steve and  no I won't be bored." I laughed and said "No Steve bought some action movie but I thought you wouldn't like that so I switched to something you could watch as well." I started the movie.

We started watching  and about a half way through the film I felt a little heavy over my shoulder and then I looked upon to see her curled up and resting her head on my shoulder and sleeping.

I saw her sleeping so gracefully that I didn't wanted to disturb her. I switched the movie off and made her lie on my bed as soon as I successfully tucked her I kissed her on the forehead and just as I was about to leave she grabbed my waist in sleep and I didn't want to wake her up. I tried to rescue myself without waking her up but I failed and I just lied beside her. 

I watched her sleep as she snuggled more and more into me. That was when I couldn't control myself anymore and I hugged her back and closed my eyes to devour this moment.

We cuddled into each other and before I drift off to sleep I whispered to her "I'll always be the shoulder you come to the end of the day to rest upon doll".    

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2021 ⏰

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