!!The Resentment!!

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Y/n POV:

As I heard those words from my father, my eyes wandered towards my brother..... that-that devastating look..... it didn't took long for him to turn the disappointment into anger. 

But since our deity was still there, he composed himself and walked towards me... the true  definition of fear could spill out through my face... 

As he approach.....


Prince Juan: My Queen!!

Y/n: n-no ... brother don't say that I don't want to be the queen. You know I never wanted to be. We can talk about it with deity please. 

Prince Juan: There is nothing left to talk my queen. I hail to you and I shall serve you and kingdom with all my heart. 

Y/n: no no.....


I wanted to stop him and explain him but our deity was leaving so everyone was gathered and focused on bidding him farewell. Before going he signalled me to come near him and I bend down at his level and he said, "See the rebel lying deep in your soul.." and with that he left. 

I didn't understood what he was trying to say but I nodded along. As soon as I turned to see my brother he left . I started walking towards him to talk to him but with all people congratulating me and surrounding me, I couldn't make through them. 

 In the evening, I was heading towards my brother's room, I knocked at  door a few times but he didn't answer, so I opened the door but only to see a horrific sight, his room was a mess everything shattered around. Glasses shattered into thousand pieces and so did my heart at the sight of my brother sitting in the corner of his room with a bleeding hand.

I rushed towards him seeing his hand bleeding , I torn apart a piece of my dress to stop the blood flow but he yanked his hand away. I knew he was angry but I wanted to help him first. The second time I reached for his hand he yelled at me, "STOP! Stop , just stop acting like you care. You ruined everything and now- now you act like you care for me. Oh please Y/n nobody is here stop acting like this. Now you are the queen what more do you want.

 Our queen Y/n, everybody hail to her b-but what about me.... I served the kingdom, going on expeditions , learning proper strategies and what did you do.... Nothing ...... you did nothing." 

I could see the pain in his eyes... the hate for me in his eyes. I started crying and I dashed out but I could hear him shouting " Till now you saw my love , get ready to see the hate and resentment I feel for you now. We are gonna have fun my sweet little sister." I could hear his maniac laugh, I ran and ran as far as I could and ended up crying in the small storage room of our palace.

But that was just the starting of hell... what I was about to see was pure sight of hell on earth!!!

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