!!Open up to me!!

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Y/n POV:-

After a nap for about hour or so I got up, but the thoughts of my home and father were still taunting me so I decided to go out for a walk to refresh my mind. 

As soon as I opened my door, the door of the room across me open at the same time and me and bucky were now standing face to face with each other. 

He gave me a warm smile as soon he saw me and I did the same. For now I was in battling with myself whether I wanted a walk or just more glimpse of his smile. 

"So how are you feeling now?" he asked with a smile still on his face.

"I-I feel great, refreshed actually." I answered back although mentally I was such a mess but I didn't wanted to show him that.

Bucky POV:-

Although she was doing a great job hiding her pain, I could see the pain in her eyes. I don't know why but I was started to see myself in her, when I came back from all the H.Y.D.R.A. mess I never showed anyone how much pain I was going through but Steve was always there for me. I guess I have to be same as Steve was for me as for her to open up. 

"Hey, would you like to go for a walk with me." I asked her. 

"Yeah, a walk sounds great but I have to report to tony about the mission." she said with a half-smile.

"well, Stark is out for some work I guess we can use this time for a walk if that's okay with you." I said hesitantly think about getting rejected again.

"Great, let's go!" She said, with her beautiful smile .

We headed out for a walk, for a while we talked about random stuff about Wakanda and how T'Challa told her stories about avengers. I too shared some stories of our heroic moments, for a while we shared some laughter but her smile dropped as soon as I asked her about her kingdom.

I stopped her and placed both my hands on her shoulder and said "Hey! that's okay If your not ready to tell your story that's fine, no one is going to force you to do so. Just so you know I ... umm I mean We have your back. You can open up to us or to me!!!" 

I gave her a reassuring smile that it's okay.

I turned around to start walking again but as I saw y/n was still standing there looking down, but soon she turn back up to me.

Y/n POV:-

I never felt this warm, or cozy with anyone else what I was feeling right now with Bucky and I don't know what it was but there was a urge in me to tell him what I was going through. I wanted to unleash all the pain that was causing my heart to ache in front of him. I wanted to share with him. 

As Bucky started heading ahead I couldn't move a step ahead, my urge took over me and I looked him in the eye and said "Bucky I want you to know my story."

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