!!Going Undercover!!

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Y/n POV:

As I entered the building I saw Tony , Sam, Nat and Steve sitting in living room. They were sipping coffee Tony just brought with his cheese burger. "Hey, Your back!" I said sitting next to Tony.

"Hey kid! well I bought some coffee and milkshakes as well feel free to choose any." He said pointing to the coffee and milkshake. I grabbed on the iced coffee. "Thanks for the coffee" I said as I smiled towards him.

"So do you wanna enlighten us with what happened during the mission and how did you found that place." Nat asked sipping on her coffee. As Nat was talking, Bucky came and sat near Steve which was directly in front of me. 

"Yeah,  I was here in NY cause I had a meeting with someone but then I saw a man across the street following a girl and I saw the chloroform bottle in his back pocket. I knew he's up to no good so I followed him but at a crowed place I lost track of them . I still walked and walked in case I meet them but them I saw him sitting in a van and then I followed the van. They stop right in front of the abandoned building, I saw they have held 15 or more girls hostage and  then I spotted the scepter. I got a bad feeling in just raiding it so I acted like I lost my way and those stupid goons abducted me as well. They covered my nose with the napkin having chloroform but I didn't have any effects of that so I pretended to have concussion and they took me to they place where they held the hostages."

"Woah! you went undercover.... cool " peter said sitting near Bucky after grabbing the milkshake.

"Yeah ! "I said scratching the back of my neck shyly.

"then, what happened?" Sam asked indulging more in my story.

"As I got inside safely without any suspicion. I searched around the place , all the hostages were still in the effect of chloroform. I found the were researching on that scepter and by reading their reports I can say, Nobody was able to handle the powers of scepter. Anyone that used the scepter turned into ashes. Since they were no more information in the hostage room I unlocked the lock and stepped into another room which was looking more of like a lab.  On the other side of the room were some report and the scepter was in a glass cage. To get a closer look I headed towards it, but someone pointed gun on head from back."


"What's the hurry sweetie." The guy said putting gun on back of my head.

"Well, I like to explore and I guess you won't mind me exploring a bit" I said turning around facing him.

"How about I explore you first....  " He said looking me up and down with lustful stare.

"why not...." I walked towards him until his back  touched the wall and then swiftly I grabbed the chemical sitting on the table at the back and splashed on his eyes. He hissed in pain which led in grabbing the attention of rest of the guards. 

"You want to fight me.... "I said as I tapped on my necklace which released my suit. Shuri made my suit, so it was high Tech. and I loved it. I popped up my nails and pounced on these men killing each and every one. 

But this one man took the scepter and tried to run but tripped as I threw one of my knives on his leg which resulted in scepter getting tapped on ground so hard that the place disappeared, and that man turned into ashes. For me the place turned into a whole white room that was endless, I saw the scepter and tried to do the same as the man did to turn the things back as normal. 

I was scared but that was the only way so turn everything back, so I tapped the scepter on ground hard and the scepter emitted so much light that it made me collapse. I don't remember what happened after that but when woke up everything was back, and the scepter was gone. I rushed to check the girls and that's when you guys came.

***********************BACK TO PRESENT*****************************

"I think we should contact Thor and Loki about this scepter. Maybe they might help us and Y/n you did a very brave thing. " Steve suggested.

"Yeah, I think your right cap and yeah kid you did a great job saving those girls" Tony said patting my head. I giggled as he patted me 

Bucky POV:

Listening to her story, I felt proud of her and amused by her brave attitude of thinking about the girls before herself.

As tony patted her she giggled. She is looking so cute.... 

Stop ... Stop being this cute...... Y/n you're making me crazy.

"I'll see if I contact Thor through signals" Bruce said heading towards lab. 

"Can I come with you? " Y/n said as she followed Bruce.

My eyes followed her till she disappeared. Nat got up to leave but came near my ears and said, "Stop staring like a creep if you like her say it like a man solider!" she smirked at me and left.

"What did Nat say Buck?" Steve asked

"N-Nothing Steve" I said as I got up and head towards my room blushing hard.

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