!!The Tease-2!!

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As I was moving forward step by step towards him, I could visibly see the shock in his eye. I was trying so hard not to laugh then I moved forward and now he had no more space to back any more. I tilted my head slightly, cause I have been told when ever I tilt my head and talk i am quite intimidating and right now I was enjoying teasing him.

"Anything, Anything I want??" I said in a seductive way.

The look on his was like he just saw a ghost or something but just after a second he changed his expression and looked right into my soul. He tilted his head just like me but DAMN..... he gave me a smirk and started moving towards me, I was just walking backward thinking my plan back fired. 

I was a bit shocked did I just triggered him , was I not suppose to do this. Sh*t with those eyes and the way he is moving towards me I can only imagine next thing is he choking me against the wall.

As soon as I hit the wall with my back he trapped me in between his arms and then he said in raspy voice "Yes Doll anything you want!!

I just gulped down as that voice just send shiver down to my spine and the way he called my doll oh my my .... does he want me dead right on the spot. I couldn't stop staring at those eyes and neither did he left traces of mine. 

As soon as I snapped back to reality I smiled at him and went close to his ears and whispered "Well, then I'll make sure to inform you whenever I need you but right now I only need sleep." He smiled and we continued our way back. 

Bucky POV:- 

Damnn when she whispered into my ears I thought I might melt down well she does know very well men weak point. I showed her the room and left the room for her to rest. As I head back to my room, my mind is so occupied with her right now. Those eyes, that warm yet cold eyes I could see the pain but I could see her hiding it so well. I wish I could make her more home so that she won't be uncomfortable around us. 


As Bucky left I took a quick shower, quick change to shorts and shirt that I had under my suit. I flopped over the bed and tried to sleep but my mind was so occupied with my home, my family and all the problems going on back at my home.

I forced myself to close my eyes and let myself sink in my problems I cried for a while but then all the tiredness lead me to finally sleep.

----------------------------------BACK AT YOUR KINGDOM-----------------------------

Y/N's Father:-

" I hope you have send her to a safe place, I cannot lose my child. I am trusting you with my most precious jewel. "

T'Challa :-

"Your Majesty trust me ! where she is that place is the safest place. I won't let anyone do anything to her, please be at ease your majesty. 

Once all this chaos is in control I'll bring her back home right now bringing her would be pushing her off cliff.  It will be better if we don't contact her for a while so that those people don't get any of their traces near her. "

Y/N's Father:- 

" Very well then let's settle this chaos as quick as we can. I want my child right back near me . "  


" yes your majesty. "  

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