Something Strange Is Going Down Part 2

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Something Strange Is Going Down Part 2

Mitch was stunned. He knew Scott would be shocked but he thought he would at least give him time to explain. He felt his heart break and he felt weak. He laid on the ground spread eagle on his back looking up into the cold moonlight reflecting off his pale body. What would he do now? His family would know he had lost his virginity and they would know he had transformed. Without Scott by his side he was weak and could easily be taken over by a stronger Alpha. The pack needed him strong. Mitch decided he had to try to talk to Scott. If he wouldn't hear him out there wasn't much he could do but he had to try. He really loved Scott. He wouldn't have risked so much if he didn't.

Mitch changed back into his wolf form and followed the scent of Scott's smell out of the woods. He followed it to a nearby park and found him sitting on a swing by himself. He was dragging his too long legs on the ground. He looked towards Mitch startled and looked like he was going to run away. Mitch walked up quickly and stood in his way. Scott looked into the familiar brown eyes. The fur all over Mitch was jet black just like his normal hair. Scott raised a hand to touch him but pulled back at the last minute. He let his hand fall to his leg as he stared Mitch. Mitch walked over and nudged his hand to the top of his head. Scott ran his hands through the soft fur realizing it was still his Mitch. The wolf still had the soft hair of his lover. He even had the faint bangs that laid over one chocolate colored eye.

Scott smiled when he saw the wolfs eyes shut at the sensation of Scott's touch. He rubbed his hands through the fur a little longer but couldn't wait for answers. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked not expecting any answer but not feeling ok without putting it out there. Mitch looked straight into his eyes and Scott could hear his voice inside his head. "I was worried you would be scared of me. I didn't know it would happen so soon after. I thought I would have some time to get away. I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you my love. I won't' hurt you I swear. If you will come back to my village with me I can explain more." Scott furrowed his brow, "How am I hearing you? I don't see your mouth moving." He could almost see the signature smirk on the wolfs face that both infuriated and intrigued him when Mitch showed it. "We are soulmates. True loves are able to speak without words. You can hear me because you want to hear me and I want you to understand me. We are forever linked through the consummation of our love."

Scott pulled his hand away and tried to step back to think for a minute. "Does this mean I will become a wolf like you? Don't you think I deserved to know that? What the fUck Mitch this is just so fUcked up." He could see a big tear escape the big brown sparkling eye of the midnight black wolf. "I'm so sorry Scottie. I wasn't trying to be distrustful but how do you tell someone that you are a freak of nature. You won't become a wolf unless you decided that is what you want. It's a process but you have to decide that for yourself. For young wolves like myself, we do not take our animal form until we have sex for the first time. If we have sex with someone who is not our true love we are weak and are easily picked off but if we find that one true person we are meant to be with, they can make us strong. You made me into a strong alpha. I don't want to put a lot of pressure on you but if we break up and are apart it will weaken me and leave my people defenseless against the other packs."

Scott rubbed his temples. "This is a lot to take in after just having my first time. I love you Mitch more than anything and that is a lot to deal with in itself but this is almost too much. I don't know what to say or do. I want to be with you but I don't know if I'm ready for this supernatural sh*t. I'm just a simple boy from Texas who wants to pursue music. How can I just give all that up and become a wolf." Mitch walked away to some bushes nearby and changed back into his human form. He grabbed a large leaf and tried to cover his manly bits as he made his way back over to Scott. "You don't have to make this choice now. I'm sorry I should have told you I was just scared to lose you. Come back with me and talk to my family. Let them give you all the information and then you can process it how you chose. I only hope you will chose to be with me whether it's in your own wolf form or in your human form. I just want to be close to you and I don't want to lose you ever."

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