Sensitive Man

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Mitch sat daydreaming as usual while Scott and Avi talked with Esther talked business. He huffed using that as a signal that he was over it but wanted some attention. Scott and Esther ignored him but Avi smiled really big and walked over. "Sorry Mitchie are we boring you?" Mitch looked at him with his sassy face, "Uh yeah you aren't talking about anything interesting and it doesn't involve cute boys." Avi laughed, "Well I'm involved so at least one cute boy is in there right." Mitch scoffed, "Straight boys don't count Avi although you are pretty cute." Avi blushed slightly and walked back over to join the conversation. Mitch sighed in frustration and got up to leave the room and find someone to entertain him.

Avi breathed a sigh of relief when he walked out. Scott noticed but didn't say anything in front of Esther quickly ending the conversation hoping she would catch the hint and give them some time together. Luckily Esther was always busy so she moved on to the next task without noticing the tension in the room. Scott turned to Avi, "Was that a sigh of relief I detected when Mitch left or just my imagination?" Avi looked at him with his emerald eyes and then looked away. "You know how I feel about him Scott come on give me a break." Scott grinned, "I don't think I do Avi would you care to fill me in or should I start questioning others?"

Avi gave him a death stare. "You wouldn't dare Hoying." Scott looked right back at him unfazed. "Try me Kaplan." Avi grunted in defeat. "I freaking love him ok. I love everything about him. I love his dark silky hair, his eyes as brown as my favorite chocolate, his plump suckable lips, and his thin body that looks like it is meant to be wrapped around me. I love it. I want that sassy princess so badly I can't stand it." Scott put his hand on Avi's arm. "Now that's what I wanted to hear. Let me ask you this though. This is my best friend and I am obligated to protect him along with the entire band. Do you just want to have sex with him or is there more than that?" Avi stared at Scott like he was crazy. "You honestly think I just want a taste of Grassi and I'll move on to the next. I haven't even come out Scott. I've never been attracted to a man until I met him. Once I have him I have no intention of letting him go for any reason unless he doesn't want me."

Scott hugged Avi tightly in his long arms. "That's what I needed to hear. Ok here's what we will do, after the show, we are going to set up for the three of us to hang out. When we get somewhere private I'm going to have some reason to leave and it will just be you guys. Then you can work it out from there because I love you both but I don't think I want to see what might happen." Avi grinned at him, "You are the best Scotty." They walked out with Scott's arm over Avi's shoulders with a big grin on each of their faces. They all got ready for the show and took the stage.

Mitch was on fire tonight. He was jumping and dancing around shooting flirty glances all around and Avi couldn't help but feel a little jealous that his eyes were not on him. He was enjoying the show though. Whenever Mitch got down and crawled during Aha! Avi literally had to turn around and adjust himself at the sight of that gorgeous man on all fours. He hoped he would find him in that position very soon and ready for him. Avi had to mentally picture horrible things to keep his black pants from bulging on stage for everyone to see.

The show continued and Avi was all eyes on Mitch. When they did let's get it on, he pictured he was dancing for Mitch and his body roll was extra sexy for the lucky girl on stage. He felt her grab him but he didn't think about it seeing Mitch in his mind. They all continued finishing the show with a bang singing daft punk. Avi's favorite part was how Mitch started with his voice as clear as a bell. He almost missed his cue looking at the cute brunette but came in just in time with a look from Scott. They ran off stage all on the high of performance and hype. Mitch leaped on Avi's back, "Hyah lets go cowboy we have some celebrating to do." Avi laughed trying not to concentrate of feeling Mitch pressed against him. Scott jumped in. "Hey Mitchie what do you say to some time with just the boys? Kev has to get to the hotel because of the Sabbath but we three could hang. What do you say?"

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