Chair MX Grassi

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Scott was so nervous. They had this planned out to a T but he was still worried about how he would reach. When they had pulled Esther into the chair and did their 'Lets get it on' dance for her she took it very well. He wasn't sure what to expect from him and he didn't know how the crowd would reach. Scott had been feeling differently about him lately. They had known each other forever but after achieving so much success together and spending so much time together something had changed. He wanted to tell Mitch so badly but he didn't know how. This seemed like a good way to see how he would react to being the one in the hot seat and how he would like Scott grinding on him.

Scott look through his wardrobe with exasperation. "Damn all these nice clothes and I have no idea what to wear." He scanned through again settling on a white button up and his tightest black skinny jeans. He wanted to make sure Mitch got an eye full when he body rolled for him. Scott had the jitters the whole time back stage but did his best to hide it from Mitch. He had worked out the plan with the rest of the group already but Mitch had no idea. Finally Esther came in to tell them it was time to take the stage. She winked at Scott as they all followed her out to the side of the stage to walk into view of the screaming fans. They circled for their prayer and Scott said a silent prayer that this little trick would work to his advantage. They said amen and Mitch held fast to Scott's hand.

"You ok Scotty you seem stressed?" Mitch looked into his cerulean eyes with worry. "Yeah I'm fine Mitchie just nervous for the show." Mitch's eyebrows furrowed. "Since when are you ever nervous on stage. You're a natural." Scott scoffed, "Tell that the screaming fans as they meltdown to you crawling on Aha." Mitch blushed slightly. "What can I say, I'm a crowd pleaser." They laughed together as they held hands and walked over to the edge of the stage. Mitch kissed Scott lightly on the cheek. "You'll be great Stretch don't stress." Scott rubbed the spot he kissed with a grin as they took their places for the opening number of the show.

Everything was going wonderfully. The show was a hit and the fans were amazing. They could barely hear over their screams and it was just the way they loved it. Scott and the rest of them were pumped full of energy as they made their way through the crowd singing '4,5, seconds'. As they made their way back to the stage Scott knew the time was closing in on them. It wouldn't be long before they would be doing their uptown funk transition and they had to get Mitch in that chair. A couple of numbers later and the time had come. They started singing their transition and Avi pretended to look for a chair girl in the audience. He paused and looked out to the huge crowd. "So normally we pick a beautiful girl from the audience to sit in this chair and let us sing to her. Today we are going to do things a little differently. We are going to pick someone who can't be defined by any gender. Someone who is just amazing and someone who is the best example of no gender bias we know." Mitch looked confused while the rest of the group grinned to themselves knowing what was going on.

The crew brought out not just a chair but a throne equipped with a beautiful tiara. Scott smiled knowing what was coming for his little Mitchie. The chair was set up and Avi walked to his place tiara in hand. Mitch whispered to Scott, "What the hell? What's going on?" Scott looked at him dumbfounded. "I have no idea. Why don't you just do your part and we will see what he's planning." Mitch stood for a second and shrugged his shoulders. He started the song, "Whomp whomp whomp whomp...." Scott walked over to him. "I been really trying baby.." he grabbed Mitch's hand and led him to the throne while he looked back at Scott confused by what he was doing. "Trying to hold back this feeling for so long." Avi placed the tiara on Mitch's head grinning from ear to ear. Scott walked around the chair. "And if you feel like I feel baby, come on." He laid himself in Mitch's lap making him gulp. "Come on..." he looked straight into Mitch's chocolate eyes. "Let's get it on," Scott grinded his a$s into Mitch's lap. "Oh baby, let's get it onnnnn."

Everyone ran over to surround Mitch. "There's nothing wrong with me, lovin you." Avi walked around and dipped himself over Mitch's lap making him laugh loudly. As they came to the part where they all dance in front of the person Avi shook his finger and moved away so Scott was directly in front of Mitch. Scott leaned forward pushing his a$$ out right in front of Mitch giving him the perfect view in those tight pants. "And given yourself to me, can never be wrong." Mitch felt like his eyes would bulge out of his head. He had to cross his legs to hide the noticeable bulge appearing after that sight. "If the love is true, oh baby." Scott walked across the stage engaging the roaring audience in the serenade.

He neared the end of the song but instead of going back to the formation, he walked over and kneeled in front of Mitch and took his hand. "Mitchie...oh Mitchie baby." He paused and took a deep breath. "There is something I have been dying to tell youuuuu." Mitch blushed and smiled like a fool. "We have known each other forever baby. I have loved you forever baby. Now I want to be yours forever baby." Mitch's eyes got as big as silver dollars knowing this was completely real and in front of thousands of people. "Le he hetssss get it oooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnn" They ended the song and Scott stood Mitch up to hug him. Mitch melted into the hug. "I mean every word Mitchie. I didn't know how to tell you but I love you so much and I want to be way more than friends. If you don't feel the same I understand and it won't change our friendship but if you want to take a chance will you take it with me?" Mitch pulled back and looked into the eyes of the man he had loved like a sister for the longest time and saw something brand new. He saw much more than friendship. He saw a future. He gripped Scott's face and pulled it to him kissing him hard with his lush, plump lips.

The crowd went wild chanting, "Scomiche, scomiche, scomiche....." Mitch grinned into the kiss and Scott picked him up while he wrapped his legs around his waist. They kissed for what felt like hours before Avi cleared his throat. "Ummm guys, you're still on stage and as much as we all love Scomiche maybe we could save this for a more private place." Scott and Mitch both blushed kissing one last time before pulling away. "Well that's my favorite chair girl yet. What do you all think?" The crowd went crazy screaming and yelling. Mitch walked over and slapped Scott on the butt making them scream even louder. He leaned up to Scott's ear. "Just wait until I get you off this stage and into my bed." Scott felt a shiver run down his spine in anticipation of his first time with the handsome pocket otter.


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