Chapstick Challenge

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"Ugh are we really going to do this?" Mitch grunted out not really believing this was happening but also anticipating the chance to feel those supple lips against his own. "I mean duh Mitchy you know they have all been asking for this chapstick challenge for like ever and it's not going to go away. What wrong don't want to kiss me?" Scott joked making kissy faces at Mitch with a grin. "Uh just no Scott, let's get this shit show over with." Scott laughed as they placed all their necessary items in front of them and got ready to shoot this video all the fans had been anticipating.

"Hello and welcome to superfruit yeah" Scott riffed and Mitch just rolled his eyes. "Today on superfruit we are going to rock your world. You've asked, you've begged, you've pleaded, hell you have threatened and now today live on superfruit we are going to finally fulfill your wishes. We are going to do," Scott taps the table for a drum roll earning yet another eye roll from his purple haired counterpart, "the chapstick challenge." Mitch smiles and winks at the camera. "Yes you finally got your way. We have several different chapsticks in our little goodie bags and we are about to do some tasting."

Scott felt a zing go straight to all the right places just with the thought of them kissing. He knew it wasn't supposed to be that way and this was supposed to be just for fun and views but he couldn't help admitting that ever since they had been getting closer, the attraction was getting stronger. They were both single and Scott was more than willing to give it a try. They had so much chemistry he knew they would make a hell of a pair even if just for one night.

Mitch looked at Scott daydreaming and smacked him lightly on the cheek. "Earth to Scotty we are making a video here." Scott laughed covering his mouth with his tattooed hand. "Sorry Mitchy got distracted. I am very excited for this." Mitch blushed slightly. "Are you now?" They giggled together and got ready to film the video. The first one went very simply. They barely touched lips and kept it very platonic. It looked great on film and they knew the fans would go nuts over it. As the video kept on the kisses seemed to get longer and sweeter. Their lips barely pulled apart like a whisper between them. Mitch felt his face heating up with each "kiss" and they still had a few more flavors to try out.

Each time Scott's lips met his Mitch felt like he was flying. Something about their lips touching for even the slightest moment felt like his world was completely right. This was his best friend, his everything, his soulmate. They had fought these feelings for so long. Why shouldn't they be allowed to have this pleasure in each other? They fit in every way like the perfect puzzle. Why shouldn't this work too? It didn't have to be a relationship. It could just be about being together mind, body, and soul. It needed to happen and if Mitch had his way it was going to happen. He felt his energy amping up more and more until finally he burst with need. Their lips met but instead of the quick peck it was supposed to be Mitch wrapped his hands in Scott's hair pushing his face closer and he deepened the kiss and felt the soft scruff brushing against his cheek.

Scott bit back a moan of surprise but quickly fell into the kiss running his hands down Mitch's sides finally resting on his thin hips. When they both had to come up for air Mitch gently released Scott's hair with a last little peck to his swollen lips. He looked thoroughly kissed and it made Mitch's heard swell with pride knowing he had put that look on his face. Scott blinked trying to make his brain slow down and understand what just happened. Neither of them spoke as they gazed into the others eyes waiting for some kind of response to what just happened.

Mitch was about to speak when Scott beat him to it. "Fuck it." He said and grabbed Mitch pulling him into his lap and another deep kiss. They forgot all about the camera and what they were doing. Scott lowered Mitch to the floor gently holding his head as he met with the soft carpet. Scott laid next to him half on top of him and trailed kisses from his lips underneath his jaw until lightly nibbling on his lower earlobe. Mitch sighed out his need as Scott began to suck on his neck leaving a small mark for everyone to see.

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