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Thank God I Found You 

                It was a typical morning for Mitch starting with his normal Starbucks run. Scott was having one of his hangover mornings so Mitch took the time to go get their morning Starbucks being the amazing friend that he is. He walked the short hike to the boy’s favorite coffee shop and noticed a small boy sitting outside. He had dark hair and light brown eyes. His hair was shaggy and he looked extremely thin. Mitch wasn’t sure what to think of him but he went into the shop to order their normal iced mochas and go about his day. He couldn’t get the little boy out of his head. As he sat at the table he saw the little boy still sitting outside alone and seeming like he was looking for something.

                Mitch couldn’t live with himself if he didn’t ask questions so he stepped outside and kneeled down. “Hey little guy are you looking for someone? Where are your parents?” The little boy looked up looking sad and scared. “I ran away. I’m looking for my big brother. My mom said he lives here in L.A. I got on a bus from Texas and came all this way to meet him. My mom said he likes to drink coffee so I hoped I would see him here.” Mitch looked at the little boy with pity. “Buddy this is a big city. There are hundreds of Starbucks. Do you know your brother’s name?” He looked up into Mitch’s dark chocolate colored eyes, “His name is Mitch, Mitch Grassi and I’m Cody Grassi.” Mitch gasped loudly. His mom had never told him about having a younger sibling. He had visited home quite often and there was never a child there. How had she hidden this from him?

                “Well I’m Mitch Grassi. How old are you Cody?” Cody looked up at him with surprise. “You’re my brother?” Mitch nodded, “Yeah I am.” Cody furrowed his eyebrows. “How do I know you are my brother? You could be just some random guy trying to hurt me?” Mitch smiled at the intelligence of this little guy who couldn’t be older than 6. “My name is Mitch Grassi. Our mom’s name is Nell and our dad’s name is Mike. I am in a band called Pentatonix and we are from Arlington, Texas.” Cody’s face lit up and he was off the ground and wrapped around Mitch’s waist before he knew it. “You really are my brother. Oh thank you. Now you can save me.” Mitch was confused. “Save you from what buddy?” Cody looked at him with sad but hopeful eyes, “From Mommy hitting me again.”

                Mitch was puzzled as he led the little boy back to his apartment. They walked in with Scott’s coffee and found him sitting on the couch hair a mess sticking up in every direction possible. “Hey Mitchie, I didn’t know they sold kids at Starbucks now. Is that the new designer thing like the girls who carry Chihuahuas?” Mitch scoffed at him being crazy. “This is my little brother Cody. Cody this is Scott my best friend since we were kids.” Cody hesitantly walked over and sat next to Scott. “You are my brother’s best friend?” Scott smiled, “Well I thought so but he never told me about you.” Cody smiled, “He didn’t know about me. Mommy kept me a secret.”

                “Hey buddy why don’t you go back and get a bath. You look like you could use it. Can you bathe yourself or do you need help?” Cody frowned and gave Mitch a sassy look. “I am bathe myself. I’m a big boy.” He walked away to the bathroom hips swaying from side to side earning a grin from both Scott and Mitch. “Well if there were any doubt about his origins that sass just answered it. He definitely belongs to you in some way.” Mitch threw Scott a middle finger before seeking out his cell phone to call his mother. He dialed her number and sat next to Scott who threw a comforting hand around his shoulders. He smiled at him as his mom answered the phone.

                “Hi Mitch long time no see how you doing baby?” Nell answered cheery as ever. Either she didn’t know Cody was gone or she didn’t care. “Um not so great mom I’m kind of confused actually.” Nell sighed, “What’s wrong with my boy and how can mom help?” Mitch sighed feeling uneasy about the way his mom was acting. This just didn’t seem like her to keep such a secret from him. “Mom I went to Starbucks this morning and there was a skinny, dirty little boy sitting outside.” Nell gasped, “That’s awful Mitchie.” Mitch scoffed, “You’re right it is awful mom. The worst part is he tells me he’s looking for his big brother.” Nell started to breath heavier. “Ok son what does that have to do with you?” Mitch sighed, “Well mom it has to do with me because his brother’s name is Mitch Grassi. He says his name is Cody Grassi and he came up from Texas to find me because you are abusing him. Is that true?”

                Nell went silent. Mitch waited for an answer that never came. Eventually all he heard was silence. He pulled his phone back to see she had hung up. He looked over at Scott with tears in his eyes and found the comfort her needed in those blue oceans. Scott opened his arms wide to invite his best friend in for a hug. Mitch was happy to accept the gift and buried his face in Scott’s shirt sobbing at this new information he never expected. As Mitch’s tears dried themselves Cody came out in the dirty clothes he had worn before but looking cleaner and somewhat more relaxed. He sat on the couch next to Mitch and leaned into him.

                “Are you ok brother?” Mitch nodded unsure if his voice would work yet. He wrapped his arm around his little brother and pulled him close. “Hey buddy it’s gonna be ok. Why don’t we go get you some clean clothes and something in your belly. I’m sure you’re hungry.” Mitch and Scott led Cody out into the major mall area of L.A.  They took him shopping for new clothes and some toys for him to play with. They picked up some take out and got him a happy meal for home. He ate hungrily making Scott and Mitch sigh in sadness. He seemed as if he hadn’t eaten in days. Mitch hoped it was just the traveling but the odds against his mom were stacking up. She refused to answer his calls and he finally gave up after what felt like the 100th phone call.

                They took Cody home and let him pick out his pajamas. Mitch helped him get undressed and tried to hide his horror at what he saw. Cody was covered in bruises and cuts. There was barely any skin that wasn’t covered in some kind of bruise or abrasion. Mitch felt tears sting his eyes again but he refused to show weakness in front of the fragile boy. He helped him get dressed and got him set up in his bed. Mitch was going to bunk with Scott and let Cody take his room. He kissed his forehead and sent him off to dreamland. Mitch came out into the living room and sunk down onto the couch. Scott put his arm around him and pulled him close. He kissed the top of his head. “It’ll be ok Mitchie. I’m here for you. We will help him. He can stay with us as long as he needs to ok.” Mitch nodded and thanked his friend. “I’m so glad I have you.” Scott smiled and squeezed him closer.

                Scott sat with him for a while before he left to go to his room. He told Mitch to join him whenever he wanted and he would make sure to leave him some room on the bed. Mitch sat and watched T.V. for a while hoping to hear from his mom.  He reserved himself to go to bed. He walked into the room and found Scott starfished across the bed. He laughed grabbing the extra pillow and a blanket and decided to bunk on the couch.  As he settled in his phone went off. He looked down to see a text from his mom asking to meet him at the gas station close to his house. She wanted to talk. He thought he should go tell Scott but figured he should just go get this over with.

                Mitch got his wallet together and went to meet his mom down at the gas station. He pulled up and found her parked near the back half. He parked and walked over to her. “Hey mom can we talk?” she nodded and waved for him to join her. He walked over and got into the passenger side of the car. Nell told him she had to get something out of the back seat. She went in the back and all of a sudden Mitch felt something being held over his face. As his world went black he heard his mom utter the words, “You were never supposed to know……Im so sorry Mitchie……You weren’t supposed to find out.” His eyes went dark and the nothingness took over.





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