Glossary of Important Terms and Places

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-Caedland: Located at the western edge of the Northern Lands, Caedland spans all the territory between the Ornbjerg Mountains in the north and the River Kerne in the south. Its eastern border is disputed, and shifts depending on the advances made in the war with Saroviya. Its capital is Kesseldam.

-Saroviya: Spanning a huge chunk of the Northern Lands, Saroviya is an empire that has overextended itself. Currently, it is engaged in a war on three fronts: with Caedland in the west, the Shan in the east, and Skelland in the north. Its eastern border is the edge of the Northern Lands, while its northern and western borders are contested. Its capital is Kirovburg.

-Rijkelund: Located in the far south of the Northern Lands, Rijkelund is a prosperous trade hub. Though it is small by comparison to its neighboring kingdoms, it has had the most success in imperial expansionism, and control colonies in both the Southern and Western Lands. Its capital is Allerstad.

-Skelland: The northernmost kingdom in the Northern Lands, Skelland shares its southern border with Saroviya and Caedland. While the border with Caedland is more or less fixed, Skelland is currently engaged in a war with Saroviya for control of the Disputed Territories at their borders. The Skellan navy often raids both the Saroviyan and Caedish coasts, and its government has been known to persecute witches. As such, many Skellan witches have sought sanctuary elsewhere.

-Araiya: One of the most prosperous kingdoms in the Eastern Lands, Araiya is currently at war with the Shan over a border dispute. It stretches from the equator deep into the Southern Hemisphere, and is made up of several distinct biomes. Most of its major cities are protected from Shan attacks by a harsh, impassable desert. Its capital is Janabad. 

-Rajan: Despite being tucked between the Shan and Araiya, Rajan has managed to retain neutrality in all the conflicts around it. It trades with every country in the Northern and Eastern Lands, and many of its people have settled in other kingdoms.

-The Shan: Located in the north of the Eastern Lands, the Shan is a kingdom of warriors with imperial designs. Currently, it is fighting both Saroviya, which its western border is separated from by an ocean, and with Araiya, which it's squabbling with over the exact location of its borders. Little is known about the Shan, as outsiders are rarely welcome, but many Shan have fled the kingdom's endless wars and settled elsewhere. 

-Kenland: Located off the western coast of Caedland, Kenland is an island kingdom that has historically been removed from the conflicts that plague the other kingdoms of the Northern Lands. Most of its people make their living off the sea, and it has a history as a nation of great explorers.


-Work: magic.

-Witch: A person who can perform work, not used in Saroviya

-Mage/Magiy/Magiya: Saroviyan term for those who can perform work, synonymous with 'witch'

-The New Army: Branch of the Caedish military that witches are conscripted to join

-The Order of Mages/The Order of Magiiy: Branch of the Saroviyan military where mages serve.

-The Fourth Order: Branch of the Araiyan military where witches are conscripted to join.

-The Draft: Name given to the yearly conscription of all witches over eighteen. First used in Caedland, but later adopted in Araiya. 

-Elementals/Elementaliy: Witches or mages who deal with the elements, with the exception of destructive forces like fire, lava and earthquakes.

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