Chapter Twenty-Two: Judith

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"What I write here is considered heresy by the Church. But I know what I saw, and I know God's message was clear. He sent me visions of the future, of the Lightbringer, and He gave me understanding that I had not possessed before. Now I know; no Lightbringer will ever walk alone."

-from the Codices of Saint Caroline the Heretic


Over the next few weeks, life at the Sanctuary began to settle into a routine. Every morning, they woke to the sound of the first bell, two hours before dawn, and staggered down to breakfast, where they choked down porridge or eggs, or an occasional treat of pastries, before going their separate ways to join their trainers.

On the second day of training, when Judith reported to the Shade Garden, she'd half-expected Commander Zhao not to be there, but, when she'd arrived, he'd been standing in the pavilion, a woman in a Healer's grey robe standing at his side. The embroideries on her collar and hems seemed gold at first glance, the mark of a Combat Medic, but, upon closer inspection, Judith realized that the gold strands were twined with the white threads of an Alterer.

Judith was struck immediately by the woman's extraordinary beauty. Standing in profile, she looked like someone out of a painting. She looked to be in her thirties or forties, with long, dark hair and a soulful gaze. Her skin had the absolutely flawless look that could only be achieved through expert Alterations, but it was the only sign of that kind of working that Judith could see. When the woman turned, though, Judith almost audibly gasped. The entire right side of her face was covered in a network of harsh scars of a sort Judith had never seen before. She couldn't even imagine what might have given them to her.

"This is Commander Fray," he'd explained, by way of explanation. "You said you knew how to Heal, so, until you decide to get over whatever block you have, she's going to teach you."

Commander Fray gave a soft, kind smile. "Commander Zhao figured it would be best if you learned some basic Combat Healing," she said, and her voice was soft and lilting. "Since you probably won't end up working in a laboratory or a hospital."

Judith found herself smiling back at her; it was impossible not to.

"Thank you, ma'am," she said. "I look forward to it."

Commander Zhao melted away, leaving Judith alone in the little, shady glade with Commander Fray. Commander Fray settled onto a hanging bench, and, hesitantly, Judith sat down beside her, trying very hard not to stare at Commander Fray's scars.

"Alright," Commander Fray said, once they were settled, smoothing her robe across her lab. "Let's get started. Commander Zhao told me your mother was a Healer; maybe you could show me what she taught you."

Judith hesitated a moment, then nodded. "What do you want me to start with?" she asked.

"How about the basics?" Commander Fray suggested kindly. "Did your mother teach you how to bond?"

Judith nodded again.

"Show me," Commander Fray said.

Hesitantly, Judith reached out and took her hands. To her surprise, she realized that Commander Fray's right hand bore similar scars to the ones on her face. Again, she wondered how she'd got them, but she doubted she'd ever have the courage to ask.

Then, just as her mother taught her, she let the sounds of the world around her fade away, let her awareness expand. She heard the sound of Commander Fray's breathing, steady and reassuring. She focused on that sound, on the feel of her hands, of her pulse beneath her fingers.

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