Chapter Thirty-Seven: Judith

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"Why does the Church insist there are but six Sightstones and discredit anyone who claims otherwise? It's obvious–to me at least. Six is the holy number of divine perfection. The first Saints were six; the Old Gods were six; there were six sacred mountains upon which Saint Anthony received his visions of god. But why couldn't there be six times six Sightstones, or other multiples of six? I'd like the Church to answer this question for me."

-from the Codices of Saint Caroline the Heretic


 As the afternoon waned, the Great Hall began to empty as people trickled out in small groups and pairs to get ready for the masquerade. Judith and Grace left as early as they could, with murmured apologies to Jeremy and the other guys. Rani and Elizabeth didn't even look up from their flirtations as they left.

Outside the Great Hall, the Sanctuary practically buzzed with excitement, and Judith felt anticipation take hold as she and Grace made their way back to Saint Rowenna Hall, arm-in-arm. Already, the air smelled like spice and bonfire smoke, and, as the sun sank low in the sky, the wind seemed to calm ever so slightly.

Back in their suite, as Sergeant Burns had promised, they found white boxes tied with twine waiting on their beds. Grace let out a squeal of excitement and dove for hers. Judith smiled and headed for her bed. She picked up the package and gave it a shake, but it didn't rattle, so, unable to tamp down her eagerness, she fumbled with the knot on the twine, trying to loosen it.

"Oh, look!" Grace gasped, pulling a pretty, floaty white gown out of her box. All of them would be wearing the same thing as the base for their costumes, but would ornament them with furs or feathers or jewels. "Oh, it's so pretty!"

Judith finally wrestled the twine off her box and pulled off the lid, casting it aside. A dress identical to Grace's had been neatly folded inside, and she pulled it out and laid it out on her bed. Beneath it, she found a silver and white fur stole, and a collection of simple jewelry–silver, with clear crystals and flecks of onyx.

There was also a lumpy object beneath a silver silk wrap. Judith pushed the cloth aside, and her breath caught in her throat as she beheld the beautiful mask beneath. It was exactly what she'd wanted when she'd commissioned it from the Craftsmen. Before Grace could see it, she covered it back up and brushed her hand along the cool silk, smiling.

"What do you think?" Grace asked, beaming beatifically. "Is it what you wanted?"

"Definitely," Judith breathed, delighted. "What about yours?"

"It's perfect," Grace said. "Come on. Get changed, and I'll do your hair and your face, if you'd like."

"Thank you!" Judith exclaimed. "Oh, thank you so much!"

Grace let out a delighted laugh. "Of course! Any time. Now, hurry up. I want to do my own face before we go."

Judith pulled off her uniform and hung it neatly in her wardrobe, then pulled on the pale, floaty gown, pausing briefly to stare at herself in the mirror. She was just vain enough to appreciate the way the bodice fit her torso perfectly, how the skirt flared out at her hips, gauzy and weightless, making her look ethereal and ghost-like, like a forest spirit or a frost sprite. The three-quarter-length sleeves hung tight to just below her elbows, baring her pale forearms to the night.

"You look wonderful!" Grace exclaimed, and Judith turned to see that she'd changed too. She looked even better than Judith, the most beautiful person Judith thought she'd ever seen. A pang of jealousy struck Judith, but she forced it away. "Tonight's going to be amazing, don't you think?"

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