Point of View Tzuyu:
When I finish yelling and crying and I saw my hands and see that they are all bloody. I take the tank top from my mouth and try and clean the blood from my hands. When I finish I catch my breath and lay down on my stomach while my head is in my hands so I can see them.
I look at my family and see that they have tears in their cheeks and that their eyes are still close.
"h-ey hey you can open your eyes now", I say calm
when they open there eyes the only thing I could see in their eyes was worry.
"can we talk , so I can distract my self and not do something stupid again", I say looking at them almost pleading
they all nod
"oooh I forgot you have duck tape", I say calm
"Do you want me to take it off or not", I tell them, they look at each other then at me and nod
"ok", I say while trying to stand up, and now I'm kneeling now I stand up and I can feel blood falling from my back. When I'm on my feet I start walking towards them
ohhh man these is killing me
First I go to my father and tell him
"these is going to hurt papa ok", I say he only looks at me and nods
I take the duck tape and the first thing that he says is
"baby does it hurt a lot, and please don't lie to me", He says looking me at the eyes pleading
"yes it does papa a lot, you have no idea", I say while a tear goes down from my cheeks
"I'm sorry I'm sorry please forgive me plea-
I interrupt him and kneel in front of him and grab his face in my hands really carefully because I don't want to smudge his face with blood
"don't say that papa if I didn't beat him a little or cut him with a knife and told him stupid things I might be fine ok is not your fault is mine please say is not your fault", I say trying to convince him and looking at his eyes
"it's not my fault". he says unsure
"ok now I'm going to take the duck tape from mama and big bro ok papa", I say to him
While standing up I was grabbing my dad's knee for support and getting big breaths
the back is killing me it feels like is burning
when I compose my self I try and walk to mom but I fell on my knees and hands on the floor for support
I can feel blood coming from the back and front of the shoulder and my back is in a lot of pain
"honey baby what's wrong please tell me how can I help", My dad says really worry and desperate
"M-my my back is hurting so bad that I can barely move and I'm loosing a lot of blood and the shot from the back and the front of my shoulders are bleeding and I don't know what to do", I say scare but not looking at him are anyone I just look at the floor
"Ok honey listen to me really carefully your mom put a first aid kit here in the basement there must be a needle and more alcohol and bandages they're near the washing machine", He says really worry and fast but not not fast
"you will need to untie us or do it your self your choice we don't judge honey", he says but plead when he said untie us but I can't
So I stand up really slowly from the floor and start walking to the washing machine when I was almost there I felt like I was going to faint and fell on my knees again.
My dad is saying please baby untie me so I can help you but I don't listen and walk near the washing machine and grab the first aid kit and a bottle of alcohol that was next to the first aid kit. And start walking again to be seated in front of my family but these time I'm crisscross I put the stuff in front of me
"ok first I need you to pour alcohol in your hands and put some bandages in your knuckles and the cut in the hand ok, now I want you take the bandages from your shoulder let's start with the front of the shoulder ok when you take the bandages and get something so you clean the shoulder and put pressure ok then pour the alcohol in the needle so you can clean it and also your hands again ok get now these will be the worst part you will need to stich yourself when do in that you put a bandage above the stitches ok, you can do it baby", he says explaining everything clearly for me and in detail
Ok I got these
Point of View Tzuyu's Father(Chou Yi-Cheng):
When I finish explaining she only nods slowly
She already clean her knuckles and shoulder now she needs to stitch herself
I could see that she was trembling, she couldn't do it
"I can do it ", she whispers to herself trying to cheer herself and grabs the tank top that was on the floor and putted in her mouth so she doesn't yell
when she starts stitching herself she tries not to cry but she has tears in her eyes and cheeks and is whimpering so I look away when I don't hear anything I assume she is done and patch up and she was
my baby had her eyes close really tightly and taking long breaths in and out
Point of View Tzuyu:
ooooooh man that hurt a lot
how can people do that well of course they are going to be the part of the body sleep not like me I have no other choice
I open my ekes and feel that there are tears in my cheeks so I quickly wipe them up
"D-id did I did a good job papa", I say trying to give him a little smile
"yes honey you did", he says with a smile
"how do I need to clean my back now", I say curious
"you will need to untie me ok", he says
"I can't dad, I just can't if I do that you will die then mama and big brother and I will be there just watching then I will die, and I don't want that", I say worry and scare
"did he say that honey in the ear when he was going to whip you baby", he says being careful with his words
"yes dad he did he say that but a lot different but yes he did", I say almost telling the true
Mark's point of view:
I have been watching everything and they haven't noticed
If I don't take care of tzuyu she is going to bleed to death
And I'm having a lot of fun to loose her
"hey tzuyu I'm going to be nice for awhile so I can fixed your back and stich the shoulder or if the back is open badly ok", I say to her while I'm coming down from the stairs
"ok do it quick it hurts a lot", she says
Third point of view:
Mark sits behind tzuyu and starts taking the bandages from her back and is taking awhile because mark doesn't want her to bleed more.
"can you pass me the alcohol and bandages", mark says
tzuyu pass the stuff and also gets her tank top and putted in her mouth
3hours later he is finished he needed to stitch some parts in her back and also the shoulder other then that she is good
He went to find some pain killers to give to tzuyu
when she drank the pain killers she fells asleep in her stomach
Mark goes to a room and sleep not before locking the basement door.
tzuyu and elkie
Randomtzuyu or chou tzuyu has a horrible past where parents are dead and they kidnapped her and tortured her. Now tzuyu is a singer very popular one also but she's not a solo singer no she has a group named twice. They think they know her but they don't k...