Betrayal and apology pt1

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"I don't know. Wasn't he over there on the bed?" Shuichi asked me.

I shook my head no and he got up. He looked under the bed and bedside table and he stopped.

"What is it?" I asked him.

He just stayed silent with a horrified look on his face.

"Shumai what is it?" I asked, concerned.

He finally found his voice after a moment or so.

"Kokichi. I think I left Mr. Hopp in the dining room."

I didn't realize it at the moment, but I screamed.

Not in terror, not in worry, not in anger either.

It was a scream of memories. A scream of knowing something bad was going to happen to someone else.

We ran out of my room and to the dining hall as fast as we could.

My legs were shorter than Shuichi's but I willed them to move fast so I was able to keep up ok.

When we got there, those already in the room started staring at us.

They all had the same look of confusion on their faces as me and Shuichi searched.

We looked everywhere in the room, but to no avail.

Mr. Hopp was nowhere to be found.

"What are you two looking for?" Asked Tsumugi.

"We're looking for Mr. Hopp. Have you seen him Tsumugi?" Shuichi asked her.

She nodded and looked over at Maki before looking back at Shuichi.

"Maki put him somewhere, but I don't know where. Sorry that I plainly just couldn't help much," she said, looking down at her lap.

Shuichi thanked her and we both went over to Maki.

She welcomed me with a glare, but looked at Shuichi in a much nicer way.

"Where is he? Where's Mr. Hopp?" I asked her coldly.

"Why would I tell you," Maki said.

"Please Maki. It's an emergency," Shuichi pleaded.

Maki thought for a moment, contemplating whether or not she should tell us where he was at. After another minute or so, I lost patience.

"Please Maki. I need to know, or it'll be too late," I begged, forgetting that I had an accent.

"Why the hell are you talking like that."

"See uh, Kokichi's actually from the UK," Shuichi explained quickly.

Maki thought about this for a moment, and then she motioned in the direction of Himiko's lab. She warned Shuichi that Himiko was practicing her "magic" in there and then we left.

When we got there, Shuichi knocked. When nobody answered, we walked in. Himiko was nowhere to be found.

I looked at Shuichi and found he was looking at me. We had to find Himiko first.

We had to make sure she was still.... Herself....

Before she ended up like Isaac and Molly.....

Pushing those thoughts aside we started looking.

I found Mr. Hopp sitting behind a pile of junk.

And that's when we saw it.

A new door that hadn't been there before was beside of the back wall.

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