Corrupted Ending

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I wanted to wish for the Entity to be gone, I truly did. I started to, but then I heard Maki yell. I opened my eyes immediately, instantly breaking concentration.

Maki was now gone, and before me stood the Entity.

"Join me..." He said.

"Why... Why do you want me to join you so bad? Why me, out of every kid in the world?" I asked him.

"Because.... You're the chosen one.... The one chosen to permanently end both hope and despair..." It said.

I stood for a second and the Entity held out it's big, black claw.

I hesitated. Did I really want to do this? Was it the right choice? Or was I making a wrong decision?

"Before I do, you have to let me see Shuichi," I demanded.

The Entity stood there for a second, and then disappeared. In it's place, stood Shuichi.

I ran forwards and hugged him, tears falling out of my eyes.

"Kokichi?!" He asked in surprise.

"You idiot... Why'd you run after me...? You got hurt because of me...." I said.

He hugged me back and said, "No, Kokichi. It's my fault. It was my choice to run after you, and I can't blame you."

"I... I'm going to join him. I'm going to join the Entity," I said.

"What?! You can't! Kokichi please! I need you!" Shuichi exclaimed, tears falling out of his eyes too.

We pulled away from one another and I moved forwards and kissed him, hard. I didn't even care anymore if he didn't like me the same way I liked him.

But, surprisingly, he kissed back.

I had imagined several times what his lips would taste like. I had imagined many things, too.

But I hadn't imagined that they'd taste the way they did.

We pulled apart again and he pointed out that my lips had tasted like grape soda.

"Well yours taste like tea and crumpets," I told him.

"That's because I'm British, Kokichi," he said. (Btw this is my own headcannon/opinion)

"You are?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he said, but then he changed the subject back, "Kokichi, please don't join the Entity, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let you do that."

"I have no choice. I want you to be happy, and that happiness only comes when you're with your friends. I have to do this to being them back."

The Entity appeared behind Shuichi and I screamed wait. He didn't listen.

He held out his clawed hand again. I looked away and moved my hand forwards, and placed it in the claw.

*Shuichi's p.o.v*

(Didn't expect that did you?)

I opened my eyes. Maki and Kaito were standing above me.

I sat up and looked around, trying to remember what was going on.

Then I did.

"Maki, where's Kokichi?!" I yelled.

She looked confused and told me she didn't know, but that he wasn't there.

"What's wrong, sidekick? He's probably off hiding somewhere trying to trick us," Kaito said.

I stood up completely now. The tears couldn't be stopped. They rolled down my cheeks on their own, coming out endlessly.

"The fuck is wrong with you, Pooichi?" Miu yelled at me from across the room.

"Nyeh? What's wrong Shuichi?" Himiko asked.

"Atua says that Kokichi sacrificed for us!" Angie exclaimed for all of us to hear.

""Is this true?!" Gonta exclaimed.

"Yes, it is. Kokichi told me what was going on about a minute ago. He said that he was going to give himself to The Entity that way I could be happy with all of you. He told me.... He told me he cared about me. And I didn't get to tell him how much I cared."

Though most didn't care or were shocked, some of us, the few who recognized Kokichi as someone who would never admit to you that they cared about you because they didn't think you'd care about them, were crying because our friend was gone.

"Why do you idiots care?! Now that the gremlin is gone, the killing game is over!" Miu yelled. .
"No, Miu. It's far from over. In fact, I feel as though it really just started," I said.

Author's note:
Hi!! So this chapter took maybe ten minutes to write, and I don't regret making it.

Btw, the new order of deaths are as follows:

Himiko, Tenko, Kiyo, Maki, Miu, Gonta, Kaito, Tsumugi, Kiibo, and then the survivors were Shuichi, and Angie.

Afterwards, Angie used Atua's power to guide her and Shuichi to a better life. A life with no killing game.

Anyways, I just wanted to say that the ending chapter will be soon, but I wanted 12 chapters in this book so there will be more endings!

Also, I wanted to say that you guys should have a good day/night and keep shipping!


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