Execution ending

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"You what?!" I asked.

Shuichi looked down in shame.

"She told everyone else after that, and most of them just laughed and made fun of you...."

"B-but.... Why would you tell them....?" I asked, not forgetting the accent but just not caring.

"I wanted to warn them that they might disappear. I'm sorry," he said.

I got out of his arms and walked away, but then turned around and punched him.

It felt good.

"I hate you!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face.

He looked shocked and grabbed his left cheek. It had turned pink from where I had punched him.

I ran out of his room and over to my own.

I lay there crying for a bit, but after all the crying I had done and the stress of everything and everyone, I just fell asleep.

I woke up in a dark room.

There was a small, white ball of light floating towards me. It stopped a few feet away from me, and changed shape.

It turned into the shape of a blade and it levitated in the air for a moment.

Then, it shot forward into my arm.

I woke up with a start and felt someone's hand over my mouth.

I wiggled and tried to fight them off, but it was no use.

I couldn't fight him off. No way did I even stand a chance.

His tears leaked down on me. He didn't want to do this to someone he considered a friend. But he didn't want anyone else to disappear, and he wanted everyone else back.

He wanted to stop all of the demonic issues everyone had heard about from Maki.

But it wasn't his will, either. He was asked to by someone else. And he was jsut gullible enough to do it.

Kokichi got the big hand off of him and he screamed. He screamed loudly. He was crying again.

He was begging for someone, anyone, to show up. But alas, no one came.

Kokichi was blacking out from blood loss as he felt the knife be thrown into him again. This time into his torso.

Then, a huge weight was lifted off of him. Someone else had entered, and they had stopped the pain.

Kokichi felt a cloth being wrapped around him. He heard screaming.

Then he heard Gonta yell.

Then, he lost all consciousness.

When he woke up again, he was in a hospital of some sort. Monokuma was standing in front of the IV tank.

There was a soft beeping in the room coming from the heart monitor.

Monokuma saw that Kokichi was awake and he started talking.

"Oh you're up! Good! You should be in perfect condition for the class trial, then!"

"Class.... Trial....?" I managed to get out.

"Yeah! One of those brats killed Gonta to save you, and you gotta figure out who it is with the rest of them!"

"Gonta... Was the one...?" I asked, trying to remember what had happened.

Monokuma seemed to nod.

"Yeah someone sent Gonta to kill you to stop and fix all this demonic crap going on! And then someone killed Gonta to save your life! And now you have to help kill your savior!" Monokuma said happily. It was almost as if he could feel the despair radiating off of Kokichi.

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