The Sixth Rune

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I was running around frantically. I had almost been caught because I wasn't paying attention. Luckily, I'm still small enough to hide in cabinets.

Mr. Hopp was getting angrier with each passing second.

I just needed this late rune. This last one and everyone would be ok.

However, a part of me didn't see it as so simple.

There had to be a catch of some sort, right? It couldn't be this easy to defeat the entity once and for all, could it? No, there had to be something I was missing.

Eventually, I found the sixth rune. I tapped it to complete whatever task it had for me, but what I got was nothing I expected.

I was in a room very similar to mine from the killing game. It looked the exact same, being honest. Then again, all the boys' dorms looked like this.

I got up and went over to the closet. I looked inside to see where I was. I knew this wasn't my room because my room had a bunch of boxes in it and stuff.

I saw outfits that didn't belong to me, but rather belonged to Shuichi. I heard the door open and I quickly shut the door and turned around. Shuichi walked in.

"Oh, Kokichi! You're up!" He said in surprise.

"Was I not supposed to be or something?" I asked him.

He chuckled a bit and just smiled at me. I had no idea what was going on.

"Oh, and in case you're wondering, I am the mastermind. I'm the one behind this killing game. Congrats, you guessed right!"

I froze in place. This was really weird. I didn't see any obstacles, and I had no idea what I was supposed to do.

He walked up to me and held me in his arms. I knew Shuichi really wasn't the mastermind, there was no way it was him! So what the heck was going on?

I tried to pull away a bit. He noticed this and let me go. At least he knew what boundaries were.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I just didn't know how you'd react," he said, nervously scratching the back of his head lightly.

So maybe he still had some human decency. He was still that mastermind, and I still had a rune to find.

But where could it be?

I glanced around the room. I didn't see it anywhere, so I figured it was somewhere else.

"Do you want to come to breakfast, Kichi?" Shuichi asked me.

I nodded. It was my best ticket out of this room.

We walked to breakfast and I looked around a lot. I still didn't see it.

After breakfast, I told him I was going on a walk to think. He didn't mind, so I left as fast as I could.

Having to sit through a whole breakfast with just creepy Shuichi? No thank you.

Not that it was just him, though. There were two people there I didn't recognize.

One was a guy with really long hair and a suit on, and the other was an emo human strawberry.

They were creepy too, so I was waiting for any opportunity to get the heck out of that dining hall.

Eventually, I gave up. I looked everywhere I could think of in the school, but it was nowhere to be found.

Maybe it hadn't appeared because I hadn't earned it? But what was I supposed to do?

I made a list of possible tasks I was supposed to do.

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