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"What?" He asked me.

"I know it sounds crazy. If I were you, I wouldn't believe me either. But I'm telling you, Mr. Hopp is alive. He's making everyone disappear a little at a time! I need your help to make sure nobody else disappears! Please, Saihara-chan, please believe me," I said desperately.

"Do you have any proof?" He asked.

"No... I guess I don't.... But I'm telling the truth! I swear!" I exclaimed.

"Maybe you should get some rest, Kokichi," he said, and I got mad.

"I can find a way to prove it! But please! Please believe me! I really need your help! I can't lose everyone again!"

"What does that mean Kokichi?" He asked me.

"I know Mr. Hopp is alive because I've dealt with him before. The same goes for Ms. Bo and Mr. Stripes. They're all alive," I explained, forgetting to hide my accent again.

He listened closely, trying to fully understand what was going on. I was doing my best to explain without giving him my full life story, but also getting all the important details out there.

"I used to live in an orphanage in the UK. I wasn't treated the best there, the caretakers were mean and I didn't have many friends. I was always in trouble for stuff I didn't do, and one of my two friends, Molly, was an absolute brat. Toys were always being donated to the orphanage, and one day Ms. Bo, Mr. Stripes, and Mr. Hopp came in a small box with other toys."

Shuichi was obviously starting to clear things up in his head, but I couldn't be sure whether or not he believed me.

"Molly got Ms. Bo, Isaac got Mr. Stripes, and I got Mr. Hopp. For a while I had been having nightmares where Mr. Hopp had killed me, but even so I still believed he couldn't actually hurt me.

"But now you do?" Shuichi asked.

"Yeah. Molly and Isaac disappeared one day, and I went looking for them. I went out at night, even though we weren't supposed to. I would hide in cabinets and sneak around, looking everywhere for them. I eventually found them, but they had been locked in a room upstairs. The key was in Ms. Beverly's room. She was the main caretaker, the meanest of them all. I had to sneak in her room, get the key, and sneak back upstairs. I did, and when I opened the door, I caught a glimpse of Molly and Isaac, but their eyes were all black and there was ink leaking from them. Ms. Beverly had found me and she slammed the door in my face. I wad trying to tell her Molly and Isaac were in there, but she wouldn't listen."

"That's what happened to Mr. Hopp earlier, right? His eye fell out so it was an all-black hole and there was this black liquid coming from the hole a bit."

"Yeah," I said, continuing on, "anyway Ms. Beverly took me to the cellar and locked me in a cage. As she was standing in an open area yelling at me, a giant Mr. Hopp hand reached forwards out of the opening and grabbed her."

"Ouch...." Shuichi muttered, closing one eye and moving away slightly.

"She deserved it. Anyway, I got out of there and I noticed that everybody was gone. In the kids' room, Mr. Stripes's hand came out of the ground and broke the floor trying to grab me. I made it out of there and the new girl,  Dee, told me she could send all the evil away and get everyone back. She requested for me to quickly get some items for her, and so I did. When I brought them back for the ritual, however, I found out that Dee was actually being controlled by the same thing controlling the toys. It was using her to try and get me. Eventually I escaped the orphanage and went to a new one. I lost Mr. Hopp there and he made his way back to try and get me again."

Shuichi stayed silent for a moment, probably trying to sense whether I was lying or not.

After about a minute of silence, he asked me why I would tell him the truth. So I answered honestly.

"Because I don't want to lose everyone I care about all over again."

Shuichi nodded and looked at my room's door for a second.

"Do you believe me...?" I asked, scared to hear what his answer was.

He waited another moment, his cute little self putting an answer together.

Wait- did I just call him cute?!

Why'd I say that?! He's ugly!

Or at least, that's what I'm gonna have to tell myself. I can't trust anyone too much.

He looked at me and smiled slightly. This made me even more nervous.

"Yeah Kokichi. I do."

I jumped forwards and hugged him.

"Thank you, Shumai!" I exclaimed.

I realized I was hugging him after a moment and blushed, but kept hugging him so he wouldn't see me blushing.

I thought I heard him say something so I asked him what he said. He quickly said it was nothing and we stopped hugging.

I saw he was blushing slightly but decided not to mention it.

Then I had a thought. I looked around the room and saw no sign of him.

"Hey Shumai? Where's Mr. Hopp?"

Author's note:
I got another chapter done! I wanna thank everyone who has read and voted on This book. It really means a lot to me.

Also, I was going to just say that I'm about to be on fall break in a few weeks and was wondering if y'all wanted me to write another chapter of this during my break? It's honestly up to you guys.

Well that's all. Have a good day/night!

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