Hope Ending

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I wished. I hoped. I even prayed.

When I opened my eyes, my wish had come true!

There everyone was, alive and well.

"Shuichi!" I exclaimed and ran towards him.

I jumped into his arms and kissed him on the cheek.

"What the hell did you wish for, Kokichi?" Maki asked me coldly.

"Instead of wishing just for The Entity to go away, I also wished for me to stay right here while still bringing everyone back."

She glared at me even harder, and I asked Shuichi if he'd protect me from her.

He nodded, and I scrambled out of his arms.

"By the way! I know who the mastermind is!" I yelled.

Everyone looked at me in shock and I pointed at Tsumugi.

"It's the one, the only, the ultimate cosplayer herself!"

"Wait what?!" Tenko exclaimed.

"Don't go making baseless accusations," Kaito said to me.

"They're not baseless! I have proof! Follow me!" I said, and I left the classroom and walked downstairs to the girls' bathroom on the first floor.

"Why the fuck are you taking us into the girl's bathroom?! What kind of kinky shit are you into?!" Miu yelled at me.

"I'll chop you until you're dead if you walk in there!" Tenko yelled.

"Can you both shut up?!" I asked.

"Why are you taking us in here, Kichi?" Shuichi asked me.

"It's a long story, but to be blunt about it, the sixth rune took me to a universe where Shuichi was the mastermind. It was there that I got clues to who the mastermind truly was. The mastermind's room took me through a long hallway to the girl's bathroom on the first floor. I figured it'd be the same way here."

I walked in and opened the door to the cleaning supplies closet.

"See? There's a long hallway. And if you walk down it, you'll see a shotput ball with a pink fabric on it, that belonged to Kaede! Meaning, she was framed." I continued.

They went and checked, and sure enough, I was right.

"But how could you say it's me? It could still be anyone of us here," Tsumugi said.

"Oh shut up so I can finish you filthy rip-off!" I yelled at her.

"Fine. Go on."

"As I was saying, the reason we thought Kaede's plan had worked was because it was staged so well, and because Tsumugi, as the ultimate cosplayer, is an expert at staging scenes. Like a scene where Kaede killed Rantaro."

"I don't believe it. I won't!" Tenko yelled.

"Tenko, stop yelling. You're hurting my ears..." Himiko said.

"Oh, I'm sorry Himiko!" Tenko yelled again.

"Anyways, for further proof, didn't Tsumugi go to the girl's bathroom on the first floor right before the murder took place?" I asked.

"I'm starting to believe it," Kiiboy said.

"Good, then it's time for my last bit of evidence!" I exclaimed.

"And what is that?" Angie asked.

"It's simple! The last bit of evidence that really proves it, is this!" I yelled, pulling out a motive video.

"W-Where'd you get that?!" Tsumugi yelled.

"Easy. I stole it from Monokuma."

I turned it on and let everyone watch it.

"Back by popular demand, is the motive video! Who's the most important person in your life? Tsumugi Shirogane, the ultimate cosplayer. Beloved by many, Tsumugi was an actual proffesional in the cosplay field. However, cosplaying was her second passion. Her first, was Junko Enoshima, the ultimate despair, the creator of the killing games! Now that an accident has befallen Junko, Tsumugi carries on the will of her predecessor as well as she can!"

The motive video went off and Tsumugi was nervous.

"Well, Tsumugi. What do you have to say for yourself?" Kiiboy asked her.

"I-I... Um...." Tsumugi trailed off, trying to find words.

Maki moved forwards in a flash and choked the life out of Tsumugi. Nobody stopped her.

After that, we all left the building. We had grabbed weapons from Maki's lab and busted a hole in the End Wall.

We left, never looking back once.

And that was the end of our story. From there on, we battled despair and all that caused it. And the best part is, I can be with Shumai forever, and I'll always know that there's someone to love.

Author's note:
Hey guys!

So today is Wednesday, meaning yesterday the new Chucky episode came out!

It was pretty good, but I'm sad about the moms' death.

There's a girl beside me in silent time watching a movie and I want to know what it is but I don't wanna ask.

Should I ask after silent time?


Yeah, I guess I will.

Then I can watch it later.


Get it?

Also yesterday, I watched all of the love hotel events, some in school, some not.

I now ship Shuichi with almost everyone.

Not Gonta and Tsumugi tho. That'll never come to pass.


I think my favorites were Kirumi's, Rantaro's, Kiiboy's, Kaito's, and Kokichi's.

Miu's was definitely one of my least favorites, along with Tsumugi's and a few of the other's.

Also, what is it with these teenagers and getting down with the sibling?

Sweet home Alabama much-

(That's just a joke, not to offend anyone from Alabama)

Gosh I really wanna know what this girl beside me is watching.

But back on topic, next chapter will be the last, and in it I'll have a section for suggestions on the next Danganronpa crossover book. It can be any character as anyone or anything like that.

Also, for all the demon slayer fans here, I'm sorry that I still haven't watched it yet like I said I would.

Animes I have seen:
Yo'kai watch (S1 and movie)
Tpn (S1)
Black Butler (Ep 1)
Danganronpa (Games- Udg)
My Hero Academia (S1, 2, 3, parts of 4 and 5 and one manga)
Haikyuu (Ep 1)
Hunter x Hunter (S1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, some movie scenes)
Aot (a few mangas and episodes a while back)
Yotsuba &! (First three mangas)
XXX Holic (Manga 1)
Nisekoi (1/2 of Manga 1)

That's all I can think of off the top of my head for now, but I might update it later.

Anyways, I gotta go, bye!

Word count: 1046

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