Pregame ending

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"What....?" I asked him.

I looked up at him and I saw him smiling down at me.

His eyes turned pink and they had little spirals in them.

"And do you wanna know what she said, Kokichi?" He asked me.

He was starting to scare me a bit so I tried to get him to let go, but he wouldn't.

"Why won't you let me go...?!" I asked, terrified.

"Oh silly," he laughed, pulling me closer and putting his head by my ear so he could whisper, "Because I love you, and I'll never let you get hurt again."

I looked at him confused so he elaborated.

"Maki asked me if I was serious earlier. She called you a no good, dirty liar and she called me an idiot for believing you. So y'know what I did?"

I didn't want to know. I didn't want to stay in his arms any longer. What had been a cute and calming moment had suddenly turned into a horrifying, living nightmare.

He continued on nonetheless.

"So I killed her."

I stopped trying to pull away and froze.

"P-Please don't hurt me!" I screamed, absolutely terrified.

He looked shocked for a second but then calmed himself and started stroking my hair lovingly, saying, "Oh, Ouma-kun. I'd never hurt you. Not ever. I love you. And you love me too, right?" The way he asked the "right" part sent a chill down my spine.

I was too scared to argue, so I just said "y-yes. I love you. And I'll.... Never leave you."

To be honest, part of me did still love him. I knew it was wrong, but I calmed my beating heart and tried to stop the bad thoughts to make room for the good ones.

"Hey Ouma-kun? What are you thinking about right now?" Shumai asked me.

I thought for a moment. I decided on an answer, and so I looked up and smiled at him.

"I'm thinking that if you'd kill someone for being mean to me, then you must love me very much. And if you love me that much, then you and I are meant to be together."

He kissed me and I kissed back. I actually did love him. Besides, why should I care about anyone else? They all hated me, except Gonta, who was too stupid to hate anyone or anything except Monokuma and the Monokubs.

If they didn't care about me, I didn't need to care about them.

Shuichi leaned forwards with me in his arms, and we took a breath. We kissed again.

I blushed a bit and so did he. We were both smiling through our kiss.

I was his, and he was mine, and that's all that mattered.

Nothing else, not even the dead bodies piled up in the basement of the school rotting slowly in a giant heap of dead.

Me and Shumai owned the school now, and we eventually decided to start accepting new students to the school every year to continue the same game that had brought us together.

Author's note:
So hey. It's me again. Uh..... This is a weird arse ending, don't worry, I know.


I have decided that the next chapter will be another ending. One where someone gets executed, and the course of history is changed drastically forever.

Phuhuhu! But you'll see what that is soon, brats!

Yeah. He said that.

Thanks Monokuma, making me look like a bigger meanie than I am.


I have officially started shipping Tenko x Angie x Himiko (also known as traffic lights).

I kinda like the ship to be honest. It is pretty canon.

But that's all I really have to say so have a wonderful day/night and make sure to do a good deed whenever you can!

Looking back like a week later, I don't know why I put the good deed part in here bc it's pretty cheesy and crappy.


Dang I'm dumb.

But anyway- this was pretty short- lmao-

Word count: 686

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