Chapter 1: Different Reality Out There

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A few month after On The Moon, Moona and Y/N sit regularly on the cafeteria, they talk about a lot of things, then Moona ask. "Hey Y/N, what did you think about Multiverse?" "Oh come on Moona, don't ask me that, I don't know much about that but as far as I know it's like alternate reality right?" "Yeah something like that." "Like imagine out there we were talking like this talk about the same thing but we on the different school, or maybe out there I ask this question to you." "Yeah, what did you think?" "Well honestly I had no idea, but I wonder if those were real, what kind of story they have out there?"

Monday 28 October 2019 07:00

In a bright sunny day on the morning, a boy named Y/N is about to get up to start his day. He turn off his alarm and open the curtain, the suburban were beautiful and peaceful, he can see Olivia watering her plant from his room. "Welp, it's a lovely place but I have to go back to that shithole." Y/N lives alone on his house, his parent leave him so that he can be independent. Weird logic but it's for the best. He get out from his room and goes to the bathroom where he wash his face and brush his teeth, he look at the mirror and worrying about his future. "I'm turning 18 today huh?" Knowing that no one will say congratulate his birthday giving him a bit sad feeling. But that's life, you can't expect everyday will be a good day. He turn on the shower and start cleaning himself for about 15 minutes, after that he wear his uniform then make a toast for breakfast. The taste of the bread is not that bad, at least it's not a Gulag food from elementary school. He keep thinking about his food. After he finish eating, he pack his backpack and leave the house.

He walk to the school and greeted by Olivia. "Hey Y/N." "Hey Ollie." "Hey, wanna play Apex tonight? I finally know how to trick shot." "Nah sorry, I will be busy tonight." "Ok, contact me whenever you want to play." Olivia continue to water her plant while Y/N leave her and walk to school, the city were busy, Y/N saw from the bridge they're like ants working non stop, he also saw a new café were opened, that café named Royale Moon Café, a purple haired girl flip the closed sign to open and greet her new customer, she then put Help Wanted sign on the window. "I might work there as a part timer." He talk to himself then he check his watch. "Dang, I guess I need to go." He started running to the Train Station and wait for the train. When the train has arrived, he quickly run to the train but he ram someone. "Ouch, sorry." They both fell but Y/N get up first and help her to get up, he take her document and give it to her. "Sorry for the trouble young man." "Nah it's my fault." But when he saw her face, he completely dumbfounded by her beauty, she wearing a glass and her hair is white, she looks like about 20, she wearing a black suit and white long pants, her voice is like onee-san or whatever the heck that is and her smell is like rose. "Umm, excuse me?" "Oh sorry, here's your document." He hand the document to her and then she compliment him. "Thanks, a good man like you is rare to find now." Y/N is a bit embarrassed hearing that, his face slowly turned to red as he give the document. "Oh you're blushing, what a cute boy." "What? I'm not!" Y/N cover his face while that woman giggled. "Anyway, I have to go." "Ah yeah, be careful out there ma'am." "You be careful, there's a lot of bad guys roaming around." She joking while leaving him, Y/N stare at her while thinking. "Whoever marry that woman must be a luckiest man on earth." But then the platform door of the train is closed and the train is moving leaving Y/N on the station. "Ah shit."

It took about 45 minute for another train to show up and causing Y/N to late at school. When he arrive at school, he's scolded by his teacher, this is his third time he late. "How many time I told you to wake up earlier!" "I'm sorry sir, but the train is-" "I don't care about the train! You were late and it's your fault!" Seeing Y/N being scolded the student in the class just laugh at him while Y/N has too hold the pain on his chest, his chest is feeling heavy and hot right now, her heartbeat is beating fast and slow at the same time causing the pain he had to hold is much more difficult, he almost crying but he hold his tear while the whole class just laugh at him. "Alright, I'm gonna give you a chance, but if you can take this money from that bottle, I will let you sit on your table and give the money to you, but if you don't. You leave this class and go home." This actually not the third time he late, he always late before and he already see this trick on the other class, this trick is the first time the teacher does in this class so his classmate know nothing about it. "Alright." Y/N agree but he know that this challenge were impossible to beat, the teacher will raise the bottle for a very short time making it impossible for Y/N to take it, but he has a plan. "Now, can you really take it from me L/N? I have to warn you that no student were ever beat this challenge." He say that to demoralize him but Y/N calmly say. "It's simple, I can't." "Why you can't?" "Because there's glue on the bottle making it impossible for me to take it." "What? No." The teacher raise the bottle and Y/N quickly take the money from the table. "Thanks for the tip sir." He got $100 and then calmly goes to his table. "Hey hang on a minute, we haven't finish yet that's not fair." "Never have been, don't think that I don't know you've doing this trick to other class and how you bully them for being late." "How dare you accuse me for that nonsense L/N! That's not true at all!" "Congratulations you have played yourself, you just broke our promise number 3: If someone lying then they must be punished for their lie, even if it's the teacher, and you just broke rule number 45 if the teacher broke their promise, they should be called to the Principal and the principal will decide your fate."

Hearing that from Y/N, the whole class were quiet, no sound can be heard for a few second, then the teacher say. "Fine, you win, but next time you late I will not let you in anymore." "Ok." Some of his classmate were whispering about him being so calm and smart, they rarely talk to him so nobody really know what's inside his mind. Even his seatmate can't really understand what's he thinking. While Y/N is just sitting there and look at the whiteboard, he keep thinking about that woman he meet at the station, he can't get rid of it and he seems uneasy. But it didn't took 5 minute for him to finally calm again, he already face the situation like this before, now he only think to go back to that station, and hoping that he'll meet her again.

To Be Continued...

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