Chapter 3: Pavolia Reine

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"It's you, the boy from yesterday." "Ah eh?" Y/N were shocked hearing that, that voice, that smell. He slowly look her body, it has the similar posture from the woman he meet yesterday, she still wear the same suit like yesterday, Y/N's eye finally meet her, she is the woman he's waiting for. "A- Ah yeah that's me." He say with a shy voice. "The train is moving soon, are you going on the same train as mine?" "Y-Yeah, I could be late now, come on." They both go to the train, they were separated by the crowd moving in the train, Y/N looking for seat. "Psst, hey!" she signal him to sit near her, Y/N shyly sit beside her. The train shut it's door and then move, Y/N were very nervous, his mind keep telling him to ask her name but his heart tell him not to. "Something's wrong?" She ask. "N-No, nothing's wrong." Y/N gulp then ask. "I-I've been thinking about this from yesterday, if you don't mind. What's your name?" Y/N is very shy, she notice his shyness through his face, then calmly answer. "My name is Reine, Pavolia Reine. You can call me with my name, and you?..." "My name is Y/N L/N, Ms. Reine." She giggled. "Oh come on, you don't need to call me miss, just call me Reine." "Ah sorry." "It's ok." They both giggling, the train were crowded but luckily there's not much people sit near them. They both talk about their life, for this time, Y/N forget all the problem in his life when he talk to her, she also feel calm when she talk to him.

"Where are you going Reine?" Y/N shyness were begin to fade away and he more confident when talk to her. "Me? I was about to apply as a new teacher." "Oh I see, well you don't have to ask where am I going." "Haha you right." Time went so fast, they both almost forgot that they were arrived at their destination. "Wait, you stop at the same station too?" Y/N ask. "Oh really? Well I guess it's our fate then." They both get out from the train while giggling. "Well, I guess we have to go now, I hope I can meet you again, see ya." Reine wave her hand at him than leave, they both goes to the opposite way like in the movie. Y/N look behind to see her again. "I wish we meet again." While Reine still thinking about him. A few minutes later Y/N has arrived at the school, he almost late today and run to the classroom. "Phew luckily I'm not late this time." He sit then read his book to pass time. "Look at him, he always reading, does he even have a single friend?" Y/N can hear someone whispering about him. "I don't know, he probably too stupid to have a friend." They giggled while Y/N trying to hold his anger. "God I swear those bastard." He tighten his fist but then he try to breath to calm himself. "It's ok you got this." Y/N talk to himself. Later, the bell has ringing meaning it's time for student to start. Y/N's classmate were starting to open their book and discussing about their homework while Y/N just sit there and reading a book knowing that he has no friend in the class.

Then the teacher get in the class and greet them. "Alright good morning everyone." "Good morning Mrs. Hamilton." All student greet her back. "Today. we're going to learn history about World War II." Y/N didn't really like history, in fact he hate it. It making his brain heavier like a overloaded chest. To pass time, Y/N just sit there without doing anything while thinking about Reine. "Y/N?" "Ah yes ma'am?" "Are you listening?" "Y-Yes." "Then tell me, when the battle of Stalingrad happen?" Y/N were thinking for a sec then answer. "August 23, 1942 to February 2, 1943 ma'am." "Ok you're correct, so as like Y/N say..." "Thank you random knowledge from somewhere." He relieved that his answer is right. He keep waiting for the class to over. 1 hour he wait, finally the class is over and it's time for break. All the student running around the cafeteria like ant to get their food, some of them already bought their food from home while other just buy it from canteen.

As usual Y/N sit on one of the table in the cafeteria, he open his launch box and eat his food, all of his classmate were talking about their hobby and other, but unfortunately for Y/N he has no friends. He had no person to talk to, he's like an outcast. Then someone approach Y/N "Hey there he is." "Ah fuck." Knowing Matt it's not gonna end well. "*sigh* What do you want Matt?" "What I want? You embarrass my dad in front of the class, and you toy with us yesterday." "But I-" Y.N haven't finish his word and Matt land a punch on Y/N's face. "Matt what the fuck?" One of the teacher witness that but he didn't care, Matt keep punching Y/N till the teacher stop him. "That's enough! You're going to the Principal Room now!" The teacher take Matt to the Principal Room while Y/N trying to hold his emotion. "Are you ok Y/N?" One of the teacher ask and help him to stand. "Yes." Although he say he's fine, the teacher know he's lying, voice crack can be heard when he say yes. But the teacher can't do anything about it. Every time they give Y/N help, he always refuse it.

A few minutes later, Matt was suspended for 2 weeks, the teacher worrying about Y/N's mental state. "He clearly not okay Mrs. Hamilton, every time he's bullied, he always didn't do anything, he even didn't tell us that he's being bullied." "We clearly have to do something, we can't let this keep happening or what happen in 10 years ago will happen again." "Now now ladies and gentlemen. I know you're worry about Y/N's mental state. It is our duty to keep all of our student safe and happy. But now, let's let him like that for now." The principal say in a calm tone. "What? Are you serious?!" "Calm down, tomorrow there'll be a new teacher, she know how to handle something like this, she still 21 so be kind to her." "I hope she know what's she doing." "She know, trust me, everything will be better in no time."

To Be Continued...

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