Chapter 7: Don't Wake Me Up

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Y/N slowly open his eye, he still in infirmary, he feel warmth on his body, he open his eyes more wider and he can see he hugging Reine, they both half naked wearing only pants while Reine wear pants and black bra. He kiss her forehead and it's making Reine to wake up. "Hello there, I didn't knew you such a kisser. *Giggles*" "Yeah, I also didn't know I can do that." They both giggling at each other, then a bell rang signalling the break is over. "Aww I don't want this to end." Reine hug him again, but what can they do? The time is already up and they have to go. Y/N give one final kiss before leaving but before he leave, he ask something to her. "Can I ask you something?" "Sure." "C-Can I have your number?" Y/N ask with shy tone while Reine raise her eyebrows. "*Giggles* Ok, give me your phone." Y/N hand his phone and wait for her to type her number. "There you go." She slowly hand his phone. "T-Thank you." "It's ok, now go, you still had a subject to learn." He nod then leave the infirmary to go back to the class.

"Y/N!" Y/N hear someone calling him, he looks back and it turns out it's Daniel. "Daniel? What do you need?" "It's about Matsuri I uhh I don't think I can help you to investigate it today, my parent and I have something to do and I can't help you today." "It's ok, I'm not planning to investigate it today." "Oh really? Then what are you gonna do today?" "I'm just gonna ask her a few question then I'll go home." "Ok, but wait." Daniel give him a pen. "Why you give me your pen?" "It's not ordinary pen, this is..." He open the pen cover revealing some kind of mic. "Woah, you got a secret mic? Where did you get it?" "My father is a private investigator, he have this kind of stuff lying around the floor." "Oh I see, then how to use it?" "Like this, give me your phone." He teach Y/N how to connect the mic through his phone, it took about 45 seconds for him to teach Y/N but finally Y/N understand how it works and how to use it. "Wow thanks, this will be a reliable tool for interview." "Yeah, and hey don't lose it, or my dad will kill me, I trust you with it." "Haha don't worry, I'll keep it safe." They goes to their class and wait till time to go home. A few hours later it's time to go home, Y/N approach Matsuri and say. "Hey Matsuri." "Y-Yes." "Can you go to the infirmary? There's a few question I want to ask to you." "Uhh ok." "Great I'll wait you in the infirmary." Then he quickly leaves and goes to the infirmary.

I set the tables, write some question and turn on the mic in the infirmary to prepare the interview, honestly me doing this feels like I'm in some kind of detective in novel I read... Or fanfic? Whatever. I finish setting the room and now I only need to wait for her to come. But it only took 30 seconds for me to wait, Matsuri open the door. "Excuse me." "Ah perfect timing, come in Matsuri." She close the door and sit in front of me. "Now, I just want to ask you some question, and please answer it with honest. Trust me, it won't take long." I put out my book and my pen before asking the first question. "Now first... Is it right that you have a broken family?" "What? No. My family is fine, me and my dad still talk while me and my mom doesn't talk very much because she's busy but overall, we all fine." Her eye doesn't move and looking directly at me, her tone sounds confident and her body seems pretty comfortable, so I'll mark it as truth. "Ok next. Why do you keep crying every time you go out from exercise stock room with Mr. Clark?" "I-uhh me and him is just talking about my day so whenever I'm on bad day, I always tell my story and sometime I just cry." I notice that she was stuttering when she tell me about that, her eye is still isn't moving but there's a delay on her response to my question so I'm gonna mark it as Unsure.

We keep talking for about 10 minutes till the last question. "Alright then, last question, are you ready?" "Yes." "*Clear throat* Did Mr. Clark, have ever hurt you, physically or mentally?" Hearing my question Matsuri seems pretty shocked. "Uhh no, he never did that." "Are you sure?" I ask while raising my eyebrows. "Yes." Rapid eye movement, body is shaking, 5 second delay, and stuttering, clearly a lie but I decide not to tell her and end the interview. "Alright then, I guess that's for today, thanks for participating." We both shake our hand. "Now, you can leave." "How about you?" "I'm gonna stay here for a while, you can leave me." "O-Ok." Matsuri leave me alone while I turn off my mic and sigh. "Matsuri, what kind of trouble you're getting at?" Then I tidy the room like before and leave.

A few hours later on midnight Y/N check his notebook and recorder to see the result of the interview, then Daniel call Y/N. "Daniel." "Y/N, you haven't sleep?" "Uhh yeah, anyway why are you calling me in the middle of the night?" "I accidently click phone instead of chat but now you were here I just wanna ask, how's the interview." "Not too good, Matsuri clearly hiding something every time I ask about Mr. Clark or that room." "Really? Then what about her family?" "Her family is fine." Thank god, well I guess that's it for today, I'll see you tomorrow." "Yeah, see ya." Y/N hung up the call then sigh. "What are you involved with Matsuri?"

To Be Continued...

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