Chapter 8: The Artist

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A week later. Y/N and his friend only found some clue, it didn't enough to figure out what happened to Matsuri, they meet a dead end causing them to pause the investigation. The story continues when Y/N is working on the café, it was a normal day for him, he still trying his best as usual while Moona keep watching his performance in case he need help. Y/N is mopping floor because it their time to close. "I'll be right back, let me know if you need anything." "Understood." Moona leave him alone while Y/N keep mopping the floor, then someone come in to the café. "Sorry, we're about to close." Then she replied. " I just want to meet with the manager." Y/N look at the girl. "Ok, wait here." He leave her to approach Moona, later he arrived at Moona's office, he knock the door and call her name. "Excuse me, Mis- Moona." "Yes?" "There's someone want to meet you." "Who is that?" "I don't know, I think you should meet her now, I had a feelin that she knows you." There's a slight delay between them. "Ok, tell her to wait for a minute." Y/N meet with the girl again. "Sorry for taking so long, the manager said that she will meet you soon, what's your name?" "Iofi, my name is Airani Iofiteen." "I see, please sit here while wait." Y/N offer her a seat for her to wait.

It took about 2 minutes for them to wait until finally Moona shows up. "Sorry for took so long, where is she?" "She's right there." Y/N point at her. "I see." Moona approaching her then greet her. "Good morning Miss, how can I help you?" "My My, you look different than the last time I meet you." The girl then look at Moona which causing her to shock. "Iofi!" "*Giggles* Yep, it's me!" They both hugging at each other, from Y/N's perspective, they look like a best friend. "Excuse me ma'am but, who is she?" "You don't know her?" Y/N reply with shook his head. "This is Airani Iofiteen, she's a famous artist in this town, how did you not know her?" "Well I'm not an artist sort of guy, I like astronomy not art." "It's fine Moona, not everyone knows me." "Anyway do you want-" "No thanks, I'm not gonna here longer, I just want to talk." "Ok then, I'm gonna give you some time, excuse me." Y/N left them to talk.

"Hey, when did you meet him? Last time I was here you work alone." "Well long story short he's a part timer, but he's very smart and diligent, his performance is almost perfect." "Almost?" "Yeah, his only weakness is he's so shy, so it prevent him to interact with customer perfectly." "I see, he look like a nice person." "Yeah, he is." "How old is he?" "He's only 17." "17? I though he's already on college." "Nope, 17 is his age." "Damn, he still so young." After a few minutes of chatting, they finally decide to end the day. "Anyway I have to leave, but I want to talk with him privately." "Ok, I'll call him, hang on." Moona calling Y/N but Y/N is already coming out from his room. "Ah there he is." "What's wrong?" "My friend Iofi wants to talk with you?" "Me?" "Yep." Y/N approaching Iofi. "Excuse me, do you want to talk with me?" "Yes, follow me." Iofi get up from her chair and lead Y/N to outside, it's already night and the city seems not so crowded. "What do you want to talk about miss?" "Well there are some things I want to talk about but first, what is your name?" "Y/N L/N, I'm 17 years old, I study at Holo High School and..." "Holo High School?" "Y-Yes." "Do you know a teacher named Reine?" Y/N is a bit stunned hearing that question. "Y-Yes." "Really? Great!" "What is your relationship with her?" "Me and Reine are friend from high school." "Really?" "Yeah, she's a smart one, but since we're graduated from high school, I haven't heard anything about her since that." "Well I can call her if you want."

"Really? Thanks." He open his phone and call his teacher, it didn't took long for her to answer the call. "Ah Y/N, can I help you?" "Miss Reine, I-" "Aww come on, don't call me miss, I already told you." Hearing that Iofi put lenny face expression at him which makes him embarrassed. "R-Reine, someone wants to talk to you?" "Eh? Who?" Y/N give the phone to Iofi. "Did you had some kind of special relationship with him Reine?" "I-Iofi, is that you?" "Yep it's me, tell me, what kind of relationship you having with Y/N" "What? N-No, we're just student and teacher." "Hmm really?" "I-I'm telling the truth." Iofi continue to tease her while Y/N wait for them to talk, he wait 5 minutes for them to finally done talking, then she returns her phone. "Alright then thanks for everything Y/N, but unfortunately I have to leave, it's fun to talk to you." "Your welcome miss." When Iofi leave, Y/N notice the call has not been hang up. "Y/N?" "Yes?" "Can I ask you something?" "Sure, what is that." C-Can you go to my house tomorrow? I'll send the address to you."

Hearing that Y/N's face become hot red, and of course he accept it. "Y-Yes." "Great, I'll see you tomorrow." "Yeah, see you." Reine hang up the phone while Y/N look at the sky and wondering what will happen tomorrow, he hope it's a good thing.

To Be Continued...

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