Chapter 2: I'll Be Waiting For You

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"What is the meaning of this?! How the hell that kid still in this school? He should be kicked now!" "Now now Mr. Clark, you don't need to be angry, he's still a kid, he's on his rebellious stage, it's normal." "Normal?! So disrespecting me in the whole class is normal?!" "That kid's perception about respect is different from us, if someone didn't respect him, then he'll not respect them." "What the heck is that? Is his parent didn't teach him any lesson?!" "He live alone Mr. Clark, he already know how to act mature, and I think the one who immature here is you Mr. Clark." "Wha- Why me?" "Because I already saw the CCTV recording and the amount of complain about you is insane, this is your first warning, second warning your payment will be cut for 50%, the third warning. You'll be fired, understand?" Clark can't do anything but to agree with Principal. "Yes ma'am." "Good, now if you please, leave me alone." Clark leave the Principal Room filled with anger, he tighten his fist. "That bitch, I swear I want to kill that annoying bitch. *Inhale* That's ok Clark, be patient." After he finish talking to himself, he saw Y/N staring at the Vending Machine, just seeing him makes Clark irritated. "Tch what a weirdo." But he decide to leave.

Meanwhile Y/N just staring at the vending machine while thinking. What is the principal thinking? Why would she put perk-a-cola on the vending machine? Y/N already knew how the drink taste like, his favourite character already describe it but he never taste it, but one of the character says that Juggernog is good, not like other. "But I wonder how Juggernog taste like?" Then he decide to use his coin to buy the Juggernog, and drink it. "Here goes nothing." After drinking it Y/N almost spit his drink but he force his mouth to swallow it. "*cough* What the hell? So Dempsey is lying all this time?" It taste like chicken but combined with spinach, Y/N check the nutrition fact. "Oh... You serious?" It says it made from Carbonated Milk, Powdered Crocodile Eggs, Spinach Juice, Pure Gumption etc. "And why the calorie and the carbon is so high for a single drink?" While Y/N were wondering about his drink, a group of bully come to him. "Hey check it out, the loser is here." "Ah crap, Matt not now." "Why? Got any problem with that you loser." Matt's friend just laugh at Y/N. "You embarrass my dad in front of the class, now you're gonna pay for it." "Ah yeah yeah let's get to the point you want my money but unfortunately." Y/N put his drink and show his pocket which is turns out it's empty. "I don't have any." "Ah so you're poor now? Well then your drink will settle it then." "Hey-" "What? you want it? Then you have to beat us, but you can't because you're a loser." They all laugh then Y/N remember why would he want that drink back? "Well then enjoy, I don't need it anymore, bye." Y/N leave them to *enjoy* the drink. "Why he didn't try take this back?" "Maybe because he's stupid?" They laugh then Matt drink the Juggernog. "Pfftt. What the hell is this? It taste like dirty chicken." "Oh that bastard is trolling us." "Hey come back here!" But Y/N is already long gone.

School is over, now it's 12PM, all student were run from the school and wanted to quickly return to their home, some of them just walk slowly and talking to their friend and some of them even stay to wait their friends, Y/N walk to the gate with a relieved feeling. "Finally, I can go home now, it's a long day." He keep thinking about that woman he meet on the station, it didn't take long for him to arrived at the station. While on the train, he keep thinking about that woman. "God, why I can't get rid of that woman on my mind?" Later, he has arrived at the station where he meet that woman, he keep remembering what happened on the morning. "Maybe if I wait she'll back somehow?" Y/N sit on the same bench that he sit on the morning, hoping that woman will show up. 3 hours he wait, it's 3PM now, Y/N feel it's time to go home. "I guess she only came here on the morning?" Then he get up and leave that station. "I'm home." He finally arrived at home but no one greet him. "Ah of course, I live alone, why I expect someone would greet me back?" He put his backpack and then sit on the couch. "Huff... Man I want to meet her again." Y/N stare at the ceiling, while keep thinking about her face.

On the night time, it's time for Y/N to sleep, but he can't, he feel like he want to go to that station again, he peek at the window seeing that all his neighbor were already sleep. He can hear clocks ticking, dog howling and house lizard noise, he set his alarm to 5AM to wake up earlier then force his eye to sleep. The alarm has ringing, it's time for Y/N to go to the school again. He clean himself, breakfast and leave like the usual but this time, he run to the station so that he can arrived at the station more quicker. Finally he arrived at the station, the station were quiet because it's still early morning, he quickly sit on the same bench like before, instead of waiting for the train, he wait till that woman shows up. He wait till 2 hour, now it's 7:30. He should be go to school right now. "Huff, maybe I'm dumb after all." He feel that his effort to meet her is a waste. The train were arrived, this time Y/N stand up and goes to the train but then he accidently ram someone. "Ouch my bad ma'am." "Ow, no, it's my faul- wait... it's you!"

To Be Continued....

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