Chapter 4: Moona Hoshinova

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3 Hours later Y/N is already at his home, he just sit there, staring at the ceiling while thinking about his finances. "Maybe I should find a part time job?" Then he remember that there's a café near the bridge looking for a employee. "Should I go there and apply the job?" He look at the window while thinking about his past. His relationship with his parents is not really good, they decide to rent a house so Y/N can be more independent. "Yeah maybe I should." He stand and goes to the café, he saw Olivia reading a book on her balcony. "Oh hi Y/N, where do you want to go?" She ask while drinking a cup of tea. "I just wanna go to a café." "Oh ok." There's nothing important about this conversation, even Y/N is questioning about their friendship, is it ok to keep talking about this pointless conversation? Y/N is also worry that someday Olivia might leave him. "What am I thinking actually There's now way she'll abandon me like that it's not her." He decide not to think about it and continue to walk to the café.

Later, he has arrived at the café, he's feel so shy when entering the café because it's the first time he applying for a job. He look around the café, the atmosphere is so quiet and calming, even though there's a lot of customer, they didn't make much of noise but Y/N can still hear some customer whispering about the owner. "Hey, you've been here for a few times right? Why they took their time so long, I mean look at our order, we have to wait almost 20 minutes." One of the customer say while drinking his coffee. "Yeah, but it's understandable because this is the first week of this café, she haven't got a single employee yet." "Really? Well it's understandable." "But hey, at least the owner is so pretty, look at her hair, her purple hair combined with yellow and some star on it, plus her face and voice is so beautiful, I think I fall in love kyaaa." " Oh come on, I know you're not gonna get her attention." "Hey that's meanie." Y/N decide not to listen their conversation anymore and approach the owner. He still feel a bit nervous when approaching the cashier but he didn't saw anyone there, luckily there's no customer in line for now. "Uhh excuse me, can I help you?" As he look behind, he saw a woman with purple and yellow hair, her face is beautiful and her voice is so soothing, he can see a nametag written Moona on it.

"Uh yeah, I was about to applying a part time job here, did you still need an employee here?" Y/N feel nervous as she stare him like she looking at her prey, at least that what he think, meanwhile on Moona's mind she feel relieved finally there's someone that can help her. "Sure, you can work here now." She said calmly. "S-So I don't have to fill a form or something?" "No you don't, but I have to interview you, follow me." They both goes to Moona's office. They both sit and Moona open a book. "Ok, let's start with name, my name is Moona Hoshinova, you can call me Ms. Hoshinova but I prefer just Moona, and you?" "My name is Y/N L/N, I'm 18 years old." "18? You still young." "Well I live alone, I can't keep count on my parents money." "I see, so what's your skill? It's ok just be honest." Moona notice his nervous which is understandable. "I'm actually not that good at making coffee, but I know how to serve like a waiter." "I see, well now I had to test you, for now, you have to wear the uniform, follow me." They both goes to the locker room, Moona notice Y/N shyness through his face. "Nervous?" "W-Well, kinda." Then she chuckled. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it." It seems that Moona didn't really mind about Y/N's personality. "Now here's your uniform, I'll tell your first task after you finish wearing your uniform. I'll wait at the outside." "Ok." Moona leave him while Y/N wearing his uniform. "Can I really do this?" Y/N stare at his uniform but then he say. "Screw it, you never know if you never try." Few minutes later Y/N finally finish wearing his uniform and get out from the locker room.

"How do I look?" "Pretty good, but..." Moona fix Y/N's apron. "There, it's better now." "T-Thanks." They both back to the cashier, and there's already 4 people waiting in the line. "Sorry of waiting everyone, I just got a new employee." "Ah I see, there's finally someone helping you Moona." Said one of the customer that waiting in the line, she chuckled and say. "Well you right Sam." It looks like they known each other. "Y/N wait here till I order you to serve them." "Got it." Moona note all the customer's order on the note then proceed to make the order while Y/N look at the tables number and memorizing it. "So from there's it's 1 to 5 and second line is 6 to 10 while near first line is A1 to A4 and near the second line is B1 to B4-" "Y/N." "Yes?" "here's your first order." Y/N look at the order it has a sign written 2. "Can you do it?" "Leave it to me." Y/N carefully take the order and serve it on table no 2, he almost drop the order because this is his first task. He's so nervous, he almost drop it but luckily his reflex save the order. He arrived at table number 2. He smiled and say. "Here's your order ma'am." "Oh thank you." Y/N relieved he succeed on his first task but now he must more careful than before. Y/N approach the cashier and take the second order, a hour has passed, Y/N is already used to it and more faster in serving customer, Moona notice his performance. "Eh, you're a quick learner huh?" As she watch Y/N delivering the order to customer. Few hours later now it's 8PM, the last customer has finished his coffee, they both sit on one of the table. "Phew, that was very exhausting, how did you do it by yourself." "Well I had to used to it, it's very exhausting." Moona look at Y/N while thinking. "i'm sure that boy had so much potential."

To Be Continued...

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