Chapter Ten: Big Bad Wolf

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Stolen glances.

That's all we did. From walking past eachother in the hallways to glances in the classroom. Now as I look over to him, I catch his pale green irises burning holes onto me from his lunch table. Jennifer keeps on rambling about Harry Styles or something and my eyes remain glued onto the man who I just broke our friendship with.

As I take in a deep breath, I brush the loose strands of hair from my faces' frame and try to ignore the feeling of regret burning in my stomach. I know I did the wrong thing but I'm too stubborn to even admit I'm wrong. I'm protecting myself and I'm not willing to get hurt over some boy in high school. Didn't I have a rule that I only wanted to date older men?

"Hey, Brit, are you even listening?" Jen asks as she waves her hand in front of my face. I blink several times and snap out of my trance. I raise my eyebrows and urge her to speak. "I'm saying don't you find Harry hot?" She asks as her eyes wonder into some type of wonderland.

"Harry...?" I trail off as my mind's too focused on Ryder himself and she gapes at me.

"As in Harry Styles! The one who sings Watermelon Sugar, Kiwi, Sweet Creature..." she rambles but I silence her with my hand.

"Okay I get your point and to answer your question, of course I do. Who doesn't like Harry Styles?" I state in a 'duh' tone. Do not tell me I'm back in the fangirling stage. That was so fifteen year old me gushing over Shawn Mendes or any member of One Direction. I would like to think I've matured now but I guess not as a wave of excitement swirls in my stomach. I feel like a fifteen year old again.

"I knew you had great taste!" She squeals.

"What do you take me as? An eighty-five year old woman?" I say as I roll my eyes. Abruptly, the unexpected happen. Well, not that unexpected because I knew it would happen. What I didn't know is that it would happen this soon. That girl actually walks up to Ryder, my Ryder. "She did not just do that!" I screech.

Jen's eyes widen and she's definitely confused. "She did not do what? Who the heck are you talking about?" She asks.

"That, that little snake!" I whisper-shout as I point at Ryder and that girl. "She thinks she can worm her away between us like who does she think she is?" I growl as I clench my fists.

"Brit, is there something going on between you and Ryder to get this jealous?" She asks. My eyes snap onto her and I clench my jaw.

"No, he's just my friend," ex-friend

"You seem abit too jealous to be just friends. Do you have feelings for Ryder or something? Didn't I tell you to stay away, he's bad news!" She says but I silence her once again.

"I do not have feelings for that douchebag! And how many times do you have to tell me that? I know what I'm doing and I'm not going to get hurt by some loser like him!" I exclaim.

"Sure okay-"

"Come with me, we have work to do," I say. I stand up, pushing my chair back and grab my chocolate milk. Jen's eyes widen and shakes her head. "Stop questioning me and follow me!" I growl and glare directly at her.

"Okay," she stutters over her words. She stands from her seat and fixes her pants before I start walking in the direction of Ryder and whoever that girl is. "What are you going to do?" She whispers as we close in on them.

"Laugh, act like I said something funny," I quickly demand and within seconds she's cracking up for absolute no reason. "Isn't that so funny? I crack up to that joke all the time!" I fake laugh, my eyes still trained on them.

Now's my chance. I pretend to trip over literally nothing and my chocolate milk goes flying onto her. The cold drink drenches her white shirt, the liquid attaching itself to her and her eyes widen in complete shock. She looks down and I can literally see the tears brim within her eyes. "Oops, sorry about that. I'm just so clumsy," I giggle and place my hand over lips, pretending to be shocked.

"What the heck Brittany!" Ryder booms as he stands from his seat and my eyebrows raise.

"Oh, fancy seeing you here Ryder," I smirk. My eyes avert to the girl rushing out of the cafeteria and the students laugh loudly. "My bad, I tripped. You know how clumsy I can be," I giggle and he clenches his jaw in pure fury.

"And to think I thought you could change to be a better person. Clearly you're mean inside out and that's never going to change," he growls and rushes after the girl. "Mia, wait!" Oh, so now that snake has a name, huh?

"Brittany, what was that?" Jen asks.

"That's called revenge, sweetheart and I'm only getting started," I smirk as I place my hand on my hip. No one, I mean no one can decide to snake their way into what I want. I'm still annoyed by Ryder and I's friendship breaking and that Mia has to pay. I know how every story ends and I'm not willing to be that girl who goes down. If I have to be the big bad wolf, then be it.

I'm that big bad wolf that's coming for you, Mia.

(Hey lovelies! What did you think of this chapter? Please consider voting and commenting! And please have mercy on this story. Every character has some type of development! Hope you had a great day/night!)

~Love, Natalie

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