Chapter Four: Stella

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"Don't look at him!" Jennifer whisper-shouts but it's too late. We've made eye contact. However, I do the most appropriate thing that I could think of; I look away.

One life lesson I've always learnt is that a woman never chases a man, in fact, they should always chase her. Who am I to get my Christian Louboutin heels dirty for a man? These costs around one thousand dollars and I practically had to work day and night shifts for them. I know, what kind of person spends all their money on heels? Well, me. Cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it.

"I'm not looking," I say, rolling my eyes. 

"You certainly were. Don't try to get involved with him, please. You're practically walking into a heartbreak. So many girls tried to get with him but he always rejected them. You should of seen how devastated they were. Didn't show up to school for like three weeks," she explains and my eyebrows lift in complete shock. She couldn't be serious, right? He's not worth a heartbreak in my opinion but I guess he meant more to them than me.

"Trust me, who am I to get involved with someone like that? I must be desperate if I even try," I laugh lightly and flick my curls over my shoulder. What makes me think I'll fall for some school bad boy when it's the good-two-shoes job? I'm not falling for that.

"Only time will tell," she grins and I roll my eyes. In her wildest dreams, I say. "You never know, Brit, what makes you think you're so immune to his charms?" She asks. "At one stage, I even tried to get with him, hell, I'm still looking for any opportunity," she says as she chuckles lightly and I raise an eyebrow.

"Hunny, you should know me by now. I chase no man, in fact, they chase me, it's actually so simple," I smirk and she laughs.

"You're actually so confident," she grins and I sigh. I know for a fact he would be chasing me in no time. Who am I to get my heels dirty chasing some bad boy?

Abruptly, our conversation comes to an end as the obnoxious school bell rings in my ear. "Okay, I have Math, my most hated subject," she groans and I chuckle. "What do you have?" She asks and I quickly check my timetable.

"I have CAFS," I say and her eyebrows furrow in confusion. Clearly she's never been in that class before. "Community and family studies," I say and she nods in understanding. "First lesson, let's see how that goes," I mumble.


Strutting into the classroom, all heads turn to meet me. I know, I'm pretty late but it's my first time in this classroom so they should get over it. "Miss Howard, why are you late?" The teacher asks, her blue eyes scanning me from her desk and I roll my eyes in annoyance.

"As you're pretty much aware, I'm the new student. So what makes you think I would know where you class is?" I ask, placing my hand on my hip and waiting for to respond.

"This classroom is a safe and kind environment, Miss Howard, so I suggest you come back when you've fixed your attitude," she says as she furrows her eyebrows. I know I've already annoyed her.

"No can do. I happen to like my attitude and to make you aware, I change for no one," I sarcastically add, chuckling slightly.

"Go to the Principal, Miss Howard. I won't have you interrupting my class with your rude attitude," she says, venom laced within her voice and she points to the door I've come in through.

"No. What's the Principal going to do? I'm practically in his good books, so that'll do you no good, would it? Now, you should use your mouth to teach rather than argue with me all day. You won't get anywhere," I say, grinning and she mutters under her breath some words that I couldn't make out completely.

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