Chapter Fourteen: Simple Words

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"Mum, I'm home!" I yell. Slamming the door behind me I kick off my shoes and saunter to the kitchen where Adam and my mother are. With smiles that light up the room, they both twirl to the olden type of music. Adam slaps flour on my mother's face and she giggles like a giddy school girl who's in love. Staring at each of them, a smile tugs onto my lips. Oh, how I wish I could have something like that.

My mother looks over to me and smiles even wider. "Brit, you're home! How did Ryder's tournament go? Did he win? Did you talk to him?" She asks. The memories of the event tug onto my mind and my stomach churns. I want to forget that even existed. I wanted a break from someone who keeps breaking my heart.

"Yeah, he won. I'm going to bed. Goodnight guys," I lightly smile. My mothers' eyebrows furrow but she lets me go. I walk up the stairs to my room, the soft light projects against my baby pink walls and I sigh in relief. I'm home. Luckily, I was able to unpack so it looks exactly how I want. All my clothes are in its closet and I hung up some posters of Harry Styles and Shawn Mendes, you know, my favourites. I even managed to add a few accessories to make it complete.

I jump into bed and my eyes begin reading along the lines of the newest update of Duplicity. Everything in this book is heartbreaking and fascinating and over the days I've become obsessed with it. I don't know how I managed to finish in a matter of days but oh well, that's my life now. However, due to my dashing luck, I hear a soft knock onto my window and my eyes snap into that direction. Oh God, is that a serial killer coming to kill me? Wait, he wouldn't of knocked, how stupid am I?

The knock gets a little louder and I sigh. Jumping out of bed, I amble to the window and see Ryder's face through the glass. My eyes widen as I see water dripping down his hair and face and I quickly slide the window open. "Thank God, I thought you wouldn't open the window," he mumbles as his teeth chatter and I see goosebumps against his skin.

"Ryder, get inside, you're freezing!" I hiss and he jumps through the window. I quickly shut the window behind him and grab him a warm towel to wrap around himself. He rubs his arms, trying to get warm and sits onto my baby pink chair like he did previously. "What the heck are you doing here?" I snap. My eyes widen and I look down as I realise I'm only in my PJs. I'm not even wearing a bra.

"I wanted to talk to you," he says and looks up into my eyes. I could practically see the desperation in his eyes and I sigh, giving in.

"Ryder, that's all you've been doing lately. You actually need to prove it to me with your actions," I say as I cross my arms across my chest. He sighs and rakes his hand through his curly wet hair.

"I know I have to but I really wanted to talk to you, Brit," he repeats and I nod. "I just wanted to let you know that there's nothing going on between Mia and I. I just wanted to apologise that's all," he explains and desperately tries to reach me with his words. "She was only at the tournament since her brother's a fan. Since she knew me, she only congratulated me," he continues and my heart begins to slowly open up. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing.

"Are you sure?" I quietly ask. What if he's lying?

"One hundred percent. I only have feelings for you so you don't have to worry about her!" He says. My heart skips a beat and a small smile creeps onto my face. Should I give into this?

"I'm just scared I'll get hurt, Ryder," I mumble.

"I won't hurt you, I promise. Just give us a try and we can figure everything out as we go," he pleads. My heart is saying yes but my mind. My mind's going through all the possibilities of heartbreak but then I never know. What if I give this a try and I get the happily ever ending I want? I wouldn't know until I try.

"I- okay, fine," I say as I feel myself give in. A smile erupts onto his lips and he quickly wraps his arms around my body. My eyes widen for two reasons: one because he's cold and wet and two, because I've never actually hugged him like this, as a couple. "Boy, you're cold and wet, go have a shower!" I exclaim as I push him off me and he chuckles loudly.


"Hey Brit, how was your weekend?" Jen asks. A grin erupts on my face as I recall the events of that night. Ryder had come to my house soaking wet and after we finalised what we were, we cuddled until the sun came out. I felt like a giddy girl in love, talking and laughing, like it's the last thing we could do together.

"It was good, I ju-" I say but I'm cut off with Ryder slinging his arm around me and placing a sweet kiss onto my cheek. Jen's eyes widen and I could tell she's wondering about what's happening. I didn't even know how I could explain it to her so I kept my mouth shut.

"Hey babe," Ryder mumbles against my cheek and he looks over to Jen with a nod. "Wassup Jen, how you doing?" He asks and she gapes.

"I- what happened over the weekend?" She asks, stuttering over her words and I laugh. 

"Nothing much, just that Brittany admitted her feelings for mwah," he dramatically says as he gestures to himself. My eyes widen and I quickly slap his shoulder which earns a chuckle. "Well, she didn't admit her feelings, my coach basically did- don't worry, it's a long story- we're dating anyways," he rambles on and I roll my eyes playfully.

"I thought you didn't date!" Jen says.

"Well, I can make an exception for this one," he smirks as he kisses my forhead. We haven't kissed yet as we were waiting for the right moment. I didn't mind though since he would actually be my first kiss. Oh, I know, the b*tch Brittany hasn't had sex or her first kiss, but what can you do? I have high standards.

Suddenly the bell rings and I sigh. "Anyways, Jen, we got to go, I'll see you at lunch," I say. As we walk away to CAFS, I feel the touch of Ryder on me and people stare at us like we have four heads. Something new and exciting.

"Babe, I want to show you something after school," he whispers against my ear. I feel tingles spreading through my body and the butterflies swirl in my stomach. Who would've thought I'll end up with the bad boy?

(Hey lovelies! What did you think of this chapter? Please consider voting and commenting! Hope you had a great day/night!)

~Love, Natalie

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