Chapter Five: Endless Bickering

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"Look, we can take turns sharing Stella. Think of us as a divorced couple who's under shared custody," Ryder tries to explain and I shake my head. "What now?" He asks. "I swear you're the wicked witch of the West," he mumbles.

"Or, we can look at it this way. Daddy died and now I'm in full custody. Win-win, you don't even have to participate," I smile innocently.

"Oh my God, Brittany. How many times do I have to say that I want to participate. You know she's my daughter too?" he whines. He leans against the locker beside mine and his other arm holds Stella. He would make a great father but I'm not willing to admit that.

"Fine. Even though I despise you touching my daughter, I'm doing this for my grades," I huff. I finally give into his pleas and place my hands on my hips, hoping I won't regret working with the clichè himself.

"Brittany, what're you doing?" Jennifer interrupts and looks between us. I could tell she didn't see this coming but I didn't care. I happened to be the main character while she's a person in the background. It's my life so I could do whatever I please.

"What else am I doing? I'm talking to Ryder," I reply and raise an eyebrow. Why did she care so much anyways? We met this morning.

"Didn't you hear what I said?" She tries to say and I nod, flashing a fake smile in her way.

"I did, but I ignored it. I know what I'm doing, Jennifer and I don't need you trying to control my life," I say, giving the b*tchiest look I can.

"Whatever, I'm just trying to warn you," she says as she rolls her eyes. "I'll see you later,"  she mumbles and scurries off to her next class. Surprisingly she still wanted to see me but what can I say? Nobody likes to turn down the opportunity of knowing me.

"You know, if you keep it up with that attitude, you're going to end up alone with no friends," Ryder voices. Crap, I forgot he existed. I turn to meet his pale green irises and raise an eyebrow.

"You shouldn't be talking. You're practically always alone in lunch," I argue.

"That's my choice. I choose to be alone. You, on the other hand, are practically scaring off the only people are still willing to be friends with you," he explains and I laugh.

"I don't care. I don't live off other people's attention. They just happen to want to be friends with me. If they leave, by all means, like I give two shits," I reply with a smirk. What makes him think I care what other people think of me? I practically grew up on my own, confident, cocky, loveable, and fun without the help of my mother as she's always with her new and not improved husband; Adam.

"Well, well, Brittany, you proved me wrong. I always thought of you as an insecure little b*tch," he chuckles and I roll my eyes.

"Insecure, little, not so much. B*tch, you're right about that. Just a side note, girls and myself call me a b*tch but you, on the other hand, can't because a gentleman never does," I say as I point my manicured finger against his broad chest and he smirks.

"So you think I'm a gentleman?" He asks.

"No, but you can prove me wrong," I smile with my eyes narrowed. "Oh, by the way, I'm taking Stella for the first night," I say. I grin and scan him up and down before ripping Stella from his arms and sashaying away to my next class.


Waiting for my mum happens to be a pain in the ass. She's usually working late and doesn't call me to give a heads-up or either forgets completely about me. Her minds too focused on either Adam or money. I mean, I would to if I had a man or money but I don't.

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