Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

            I consider lying and saying that I have a nose bleed or something so I can miss class. I drag myself into my seat. Nah, that wouldn’t work. Even if I skip science, I’ve still got more classes with him. It’s not like I can sneak out and go home, I’ll put myself in some deep shit if I even try. I have a cool teacher, so we’re allowed to sit anywhere we want. I usually sit towards the middle. My friend Aubrey comes in and sits next to me like she usually does. She’s also one of the pity friends I had mentioned before. We’re only friends because she feels bad that I don’t have many friends. But she’s nice and I’m used to it, so I don’t mind.

            I take my homework out and wait for class to be started. I hate science so much, with a burning passion. I guess you could say I’m the weirdo for liking English and math and hating science and social studies, but whatever, that’s just me. The bell rings and still no sign of who know who. I wonder where he is.

He comes running in a couple of minutes after the teacher has already started the lesson. “I’m so sorry I’m late Mrs. Greene, I couldn’t find the classroom.” He explains to the teacher. Man, I forgot that he probably needs help going around the school. I feel kind of bad now; after all, I did offer the help him around in the beginning of the day. Mrs. Greene says it’s no problem that he’s late and tells him to find a seat. He searches the room and his eyes land on mine. I can feel my heart skip a beat, but he quickly turns away and finds a seat two tables away from mine.

 “Ok, like I mentioned right before break, we’re going to be starting our science fair projects today,” my teacher announces. “This year we’re doing things a bit differently and we’re putting you into groups.” Everyone groans, knowing they most likely won’t be in the same group as their friends. “Here are the groups you will be working with.” She puts up the groups on the smart board. I don’t even bother looking for my name. I search for Greyson’s name. I don’t know whether or not I want him in my group. But his name’s not even on the list. I find my name under group #3. The teacher instructs us to get into our groups.

I walk over to where others from my group have sat down and take my seat. Each group has four or five people, but we’ve only got three. There’s Luke, who’s actually pretty cute and pretty nice, and Ethan, one of Scott’s cronies. A girl named Jo was supposed to be in our group, but she moved away during winter break. She must’ve been put into our group before she moved.

“Do I really have to be in the same group as Alex?” Ethan complains.

I roll my eyes. “Oh shut up, I’m not any happier about this than you are.” I mumble. I may fear my life over Scott, but Ethan doesn’t scare me.

“Hey, what ‘s that supposed to mean?” Luke exclaims.

“Oh, I like having you in my group. At least you’re not an ass to everyone and have more than half a brain,” I say looking towards Ethan. Luke shrugs and leans back in his chair.

I see Greyson talking to the teacher at the front of the room while everyone else talks to the people in their groups. The teacher looks around the room. I can practically feel the gears starting to churn in my head as realization dawns on me.

But right as I realize whose group he’s going to be in, he starts walking towards our table. My heart starts beating a millions beats a minute. I wonder if I’ll ever get used to seeing him every day. Nah, probably not. I smile at him. He clearly sees it and turns away. Ouch. Second time today. What happened? He was being so nice this morning. I swear, this kid is bipolar or something.

“I want you all to discuss some ideas for a project that you all can contribute to. We’ll be going to the computer lab tomorrow to research.” Mrs. Greene tells us.

All the groups around us start discussing ideas while my group sits there staring into nothingness.

I sigh. “Any ideas?” No one replies. “Well, I guess since none of you guys seem to care enough to pitch in some stuff, I’ll think of something by tomorrow.” One thing you should know about me, I’m sort of a control freak. Love it or not, I need my As. Having strict parents and all seriously gets to you sometimes.

Luke coughs to clear his throat. “Nah, I’ll help. Er, how about we make a volcano?”

I roll my eyes and laugh. “Dude, that’s so stereotypical. Every time a book or movie has a science fair, the main character always does a volcano. And it always ends up blowing up or something. Good idea though, any others?” I look at Ethan in a half-ass attempt, knowing he couldn’t care less if he failed this class. I didn’t even bother looking at Greyson, I already knew he was either looking down at his shoes or out the window.

“…None? Okay…” I say, defeated. We sit in silence for a couple minutes before I chime in, “Well, I read online about this one guy who made these “have you seen this person” posters and put them by the entry of a mall. Then he would sit right by the entry with the exact clothes he wore as in the picture and everyone passing by would take a look at the posters, at him, then back at the  posters, and would just walk away. We could do that and see how many people actually do anything about it.”

Luke’s eyes get wide. “Yea, and we could have you be one of the people to do it, and one of us do it, and we could compare the numbers between a girl and a guy,” he adds.

I nod along, “exactly.”

But Ethan interrupts before I can write our project down on the paper Mrs. Greene had passed out while everyone was talking. “Yea, I don’t think that would work. We all know how un-photogenic you are, Alex.” He says in an obnoxious voice.

I look down as my heart pangs with hurt. I know I shouldn’t let him get to me, but it’s hard not to. I’m pretty insecure anyways, I really don’t need his hurtful comments getting to me anymore than they already do.

Greyson looks as if he’s about to defend me but stops. He grabs the paper from in front of me and writes down our project. I look up at Luke hoping he’ll say something, but he’s busy texting someone on his phone. Of course no one defended me, who would any ways? I let Greyson fill out the paper and sit back. Whatever, only five more periods to go until I can go home and leave this place I like to call my personal hell.


Ok, let's be honest here. This chapter sucked. I know it sucked. Don't even try to convince me it didn't because it did. But DON'T WORRY! I'm typing chapter 9 right now and I'm gonna have Alex and Greyson talk a BUNCH more. I'm not saying they're gonna get romantical or anything... YET. But I don't know, at least they'll be talking? 

Last night I had a dream that I was at this futuristic hair salon thingy and I was dying my hair different colors but all of them looked weird. And then I settled on dying it red. Yep. I've have had soo many dreams that I was at a hair salon doing random stuff to my hair. I really want a haircut now... xD 

Anyways... Remember to hit that nifty little vote button in the corner, and leave mua a comment and fan me if you haven't all ready! Love you all <3 I'm almost to 200 reads and It's not even been a month since this came out! Aggghh! So yea, I'm a happy duck ^-^ Good night my peeps (Or morning/afternoon, depending on when you're reading this)

Oh yea! And I forgot to mention but, in chapter 6, Greyson was listing off his schedule. So at first I put down spanish and I was gonna have Alex take french. But then I realized irl Greyson actually does take french so I changed it to french so now Alex takes spanish. Just thought I should mention that for anyone who has been reading my story continually. If you're new, then run along, nothing to see here... Crap, I had to say something else but now I forgot... hmm... The song on the side is a science safety rap that my science teacher showed us in the beginning of the year, because why not? That wasn't what I wanted to say but whatever... mmkay? Bye

What are the CHANCEs? (A Greyson Chance Fan Fic) [EDITING/ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now