Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

            Do something, stupid. You’ve been standing here gaping for a good couple of seconds now. Thankfully, he’s looking out the window so he hasn’t noticed me.

            “Yo, Alex, I think you forgot something.” A voice yells behind me.

            I turn around for the asshole that tripped me, Scott, to throw a pencil at me. I felt a sharp point on my neck. My hands ball up into fists. No, Alex, there’s no need to start a fight. It’s bad enough so much attention has been called to you, no need to bring it up a notch. Someone from behind pushes me away into a seat.

            “Hey!” I yell unconsciously.

            Next thing I know, I hear a big smacking sound. Greyson, or as I should say, guy that I’m convinced is Greyson, has just punched Scott square in the face.

            “Don’t treat a girl like that.”  He mumbles in a low voice before pushing past me again.

            Scott is too surprised to do anything. He awkwardly sits back down without saying another word to any of us, while the other kids are laughing at him. I guess that should be my cue to sit down too. I turn back to the guy that is definitely Greyson.

            “Hey, so uh, there’s no other seat on the bus available. Can I sit here please?” I say, my voice shaking.

            He doesn’t reply. He’s gone back to staring into nothingness out the window. Not sure if there’s any other option, I sit down awkwardly.

            “Er… Thanks for that. You know, standing up for me and all.” I say in a small voice.

            Still no reply.

            “Look, I’m sorry if I came off a little strong the other day. I just thought I’d go out of my way to greet the new neighbors. I guess I must’ve unintentionally said something that day, cause you seem to be giving me the cold shoulder.”

            I don’t even know if he’s even listening at this point. Why am I even trying? If I knew meeting my favorite singer would be so frustrating, I wouldn’t have spent so long fanaticizing about it.

            “Look, I don’t know what your problem is, but just because half the nation hates you right now, doesn’t mean you have to be so rude to the other half.” I snap.

            Woah, I have no idea where that came from.

            I sigh. “I’m sorry about that.” We sit in silence for a couple seconds. “You know, I’m actually a big fan.”

            Hm… Maybe he’s sleeping?

            We sit in silence for a good minute. “I don’t know if you’ve seen if before, but you know that video that went viral when the rumors started? With the girl defending you and all? I don’t know if you’ve seen it but… I’m that girl.”

            His head snaps towards me. Well, at least he’s not sleeping. He slowly eyes me up and down and I suddenly feel extremely self-conscious.

            His eyes get wide. “You’re her.”

            I feel the heat rush to my cheeks and look down. My hair falls over my eyes. “Yea, I am.” I whisper.

            “That video… It was… Amazing. The fact that there was someone out there that believed me… I was amazed. Thank you.” He whispers back.

            “What are you thanking me for? It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to know it wasn’t you.” I laugh.

            “Yea I guess… Sorry about ignoring you yesterday.”

            Before I can respond, people start filing out of the bus. I smile back to him and stand up pulling my backpack onto my shoulders.

            I smile to myself. I just had a conversation with Greyson Chance. Screw the other day, THIS is officially the best. day. ever. And I have a strong feeling I’ll be saying that a lot more from now on.


Authors note thingy time!!! Did I mention I love writing these? Well I do. Anyways, asshole Greyson ended up not being an asshole after all! Yay! Actually, I could care less haha. As always, vote, fan, and leave a comment!! Seriously, if you have any kinda of suggestions to write better, TELL ME. I need feedback to become a better writer ^-^

But yea, you guys enjoying the story so far? I know I am. But I'm thinking of throwing in a twist sometime soon... You'll have to wait to see though. Anyways, it's 12:36 am, so imma go and sleep now haha. Night fellow wattpaders! Or morning/afternoon, depending on when you're reading this... :p

What are the CHANCEs? (A Greyson Chance Fan Fic) [EDITING/ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now