Chapter 1 [edited]

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Everyone eventually reaches the point where all they can do is question what is wrong with them. I think I have reached that point.

My heart beat is pounding against my head and my eyes slowly read through each and every comment as thoroughly as possible. Of course, when you’re questioning your own sanity, you can’t help but observe others’ as well. For example, how their adequate vocabulary is taking an effect on their perspective and feedback on things.

“Fuk u u little bitch i hop u die.” Outstanding word usage, I honestly could not have said it better myself, justin_bieber_luvr99. Let’s just hope little miss Bieber here is actually a miss and not secretly a mister sitting behind a computer screen in his mother’s basement.

My mouse curser hovers over the delete button. I’m just one click away from preventing any further embarrassment. But at this point, does it even matter? The damage has clearly been done. Shall we see how many dislikes my video has gotten since the last time I checked, which was a mere half hour ago? 18,000 more. 18,000 independent individuals who loath me enough to add their own input towards data that would look no different without their vote.

There are 1,257,300 dislikes in total. Oh, how I feel loved. And then there’s the war that has broken out in the comments section. Granted, there are a select few that are defending me to the best of their ability. But there are five of them and a million of the not so nice people, so it’s more of a lost cause than anything. I’m more of a lost cause than anything.

You would think they would be a bit more subtle on their swearing habits. I mean, there are children in the video! Well, that’s what the top comment says at least. And no ma’am, I am not a child, I am 15, meaning I am fully capable of hearing a few bad words here and there. But I can’t hold her against trying; it’s more than what anyone else is willing to do. Believe me, if I were aware all hell would break loose when I uploaded this video, I would not have put it up in the first place.

Before you make any stupid assumptions, no, this is not a video of me twerking to Gangnam Style, or anything your messed up little minds could have come up with. No, I’m what you call a fangirl. I obsess over celebrities-typically guys-that don’t know I exist, and to be honest, probably wouldn’t care about me either. More than likely, these celebrities’ fandoms will deteriorate over the span of a few years, as their fans will both mature and grow tired of them. These fans then go and find someone new to fangirl over. And thus the cycle begins again. And in the meantime, we spend almost all of our free time devoting our life to these celebrities. We make fanpages for them on Instagram and Tumblr, we tweet our favorite celebrities repetitively to follow us, and we wear clothing with their faces and names on them, only to be teased at school. More so than usual, that is.

This all led up to the death of my internet social life. See, I also make videos on YouTube of me obsessing over these celebrities, only to see that most of the internet doesn’t enjoy watching 15 year old girls blab on about guys that will never acknowledge them in their lifetime. 

But the video that went viral wasn’t my typical type of video. You see, the main celebrity I fangirl over is Greyson Chance. He was discovered on YouTube a couple years back. He’s basically an awkward, dorky, just barely made it through puberty alive, amazing singer. For the majority of his career, he was more known in Asia than in North America. Ironic, considering he grew up in Oklahoma, was signed to his first label in LA, and is literally the whitest thing you will ever meet, both stereotypically and literally.

Sadly, he’s the talk of the continent these days. Which is funny considering this is what I’ve always wanted ever since I discovered him. But it seems I had left out the, “and they like him as well” part and the genie in my head took advantage of my missed opportunity.

Unless they have been living under a rock for the past month or so, most people have heard already heard what Greyson has been up to. Remember his old friend Morgan from Oklahoma? Yes, well, it seems as if they’ve become more than friends. Or possibly friends with benefits. It’s hard to tell when the paparazzi haven’t gone into the specific details on their made up stories yet. Perhaps in the next issue of J-14 we’ll find out he’s been hiding a tiger in his basement as well.

That last sentence can be taken one of two ways.

Moving aside from my overly sexual mind, that’s not all that’s happened with Greyson; according to TMZ, the first “news source” that reported on the topic, Greyson got Morgan pregnant.

Okay, okay, calm down there enchancers. Before you go and murder a random girl living 13 hours away from you, let’s think about this rationally for a second. First of all, Greyson is literally the most awkward person I know. He is most definitely not smooth enough to have sex with a living, breathing girl. The only thing he’s having sex with is his old-fashioned car and possibly his record player. Second, wow a 16 year old slut is pregnant! That is totally and completely the first time I have heard that one before. Please, she’s probably sleeping with every guy in school for all we know.

Greyson quickly did a livestream once he realized things were getting out of hand. He explained that he would never do something like that and bla bla bla. Greyson, honey, there’s no need to explain yourself. It’s not your fault no one on this planet has a brain.

A week later, he deleted his Twitter and Instagram, but those assholes out there didn’t take the next stop off the train. Nah, seems as if they were enjoying the ride too much, as they went on and the hate grew even worse. And I guess it was at this point that I just… snapped. I stomped upstairs, grabbed my camera, plopped myself down, and ranted like there was no tomorrow. That rant was really no more special than the other videos I’ve posted, but somehow it blew up. It’s been five days and it has already gotten 4 million views and enough hate to last me through college.

And school is a whole different story. I went from the kind of quiet, nerdy kid to that bitch that went viral on YouTube. I wasn’t exactly the most liked person at school in the first place, but at this point, I’m perfectly fine if my dad comes home and announces we’re moving to Alaska.

Oh dear lord, please let me move to Alaska. Let me cuddle up with penguins instead of being the shooting target for irl downvotes. Of course, this is ignoring the fact that there are no penguins in the northern hemisphere. In reality, what would actually happen is that I’d slowly lose my sanity, have two fingers and a toe fall off from frostbite, and eventually die of loneliness. Truth be told, I’d rather take this crazy story over what I’m experiencing right now.

My phone starts to buzz, just like it always does when any Greyson news is released. I mentally prepare myself for more rage as I click the link to yet another TMZ article. It seems that Greyson has reported to be taking a break. He’s looking for somewhere to move, a small town preferably, so he can allow the drama to die down. I snort. Let the drama die down? That’s bull, and we all know it. Remember when I said celebrities soon lose their fame? Well, at this point, I suppose you can add “when the celebrity decides to walk off the face of the Earth” to the list. I mean, if the band Five Senses could pull it off, I don’t see why he can’t either. Oh, you don’t know who Five Senses are? Exactly. 

What are the CHANCEs? (A Greyson Chance Fan Fic) [EDITING/ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now