Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

            It’s the first day back to school after winter break. Meaning it has been exactly three whole days since that whole Greyson fiasco. And I’ve come to a conclusion. That wasn’t Greyson. That was his evil twin who is taking over with the whole moving to a new town thing, while the real Greyson is off being perfect somewhere in Colorado or something. If I befriend his evil twin, maybe I can get closer to the real Greyson. I’m so weird.

            I wanted to tell someone, but there was no one to tell. The internet? They’d probably think I was bluffing. My semi-friends who probably secretly hate me? Nah, I’d rather not freak them out even more. The last thing I need is to lose my ticket that took me away from loner-ville. My parents? They’d probably think I was talking about getting a new poster of him in a magazine and having dinner with it. Truth is, I really am a loner. And like I said, I really don’t have friends. I only have a handful of girls who are nice to me, but only talk to me because no one else would. I spent all of winter break by myself. At least I have internet friends. Most of them seem to give two more shits about me than the people at school do.

            I couldn’t sleep last night. I don’t want to go back to school. At least at home I have the option of reading the hateful comments people leave me. At school, I have no choice. And my so called friends, well, they didn’t ditch me, and I really do appreciate that. But you can tell they’re only doing it out of kindness, they probably couldn’t care less about me personally. I feel queasy just thinking about spending the next seven hours in that hell hole.

            I look at myself in the mirror. I’ve got my favorite outfit on, a black and white shirt, skinny jeans, red flats, and black hat on. I may suck at everything else, but if there’s one thing I’m decent at, it’s fashion. Wanna know how I’m feeling? Just look at my clothes and you’ll have your answer. Right now I have my I-met-Greyson-Chance-and-screwed-it-up-so-now-I’m-wearing-his-favorite-colors-black-and-white-to-be-a-kiss-up outfit on. It’s an Alex one of a kind.

            I glance over at the clock, it reads 6:30. I run down stairs to see both my parents rushing to get ready for work. My parents are complete workaholics. They leave a little after seven am and don’t come home usually until at least six or seven pm, so I usually have the whole house to myself. No siblings, so most of my time is spent on my laptop. Lame I know, but since when is this new news?

            “Hey mom, what’s for breakfast?” I ask.

            “Sorry hun, I have to go to an early meeting today so I didn’t have time to make you anything. You don’t mind having yogurt from the fridge, right?” She says in a rush, straightening her blouse.

            I sigh. “Yea, sure.” I was looking forward to her famous Monday morning pancakes, but I guess not today. I grab a carton of orange juice and pour some into my glass.

            “Oh and your father and I don’t have enough time today to drop you off at school. You’ll have to take the bus.” She says,

            I choke on my orange juice. “TAKE THE BUS!? Mom, I can’t do that! It’s bad enough people are gonna make fun of me during school, but the bus will be worse! You seriously can’t force me to take the freakin’ bus!”

            “Oh., don’t exaggerate, Alex. You’ll be fine.” My dad kisses me on the top of my head and grabs his briefcase. “I’ll see you too tonight.”

            “Mom…” I turn to my mom to protest.

            “I don’t want to hear it Alex. You’re riding the bus, end of discussion.” She interrupts. She grabs her folders and walks out the door.

            I sigh. What did I expect? Of course they couldn’t take the time out of their day to care about how I feel. Work over me, that’s how it’s been all my life, and that’s how it will always be. I grab a granola bar and nibble on it for a couple minutes wondering what the chances of getting caught would be if I just stayed home. Maybe my parents would care then.

            The clock over the stove now reads 6:44. As in, I better get my ass outside before I miss the bus and screw myself over. I grab a coat for the freezing Chicago suburbs weather outside and run out the door. And lo and behold, there goes the bus, right past my fucking house.

            “No wait, stop!” I scream running after the bus. Today would’ve been a great day to pick sneakers to wear instead of flats.

            The bus driver sees me in his rear view mirror and stops. I climb up, panting like a dog. The bus driver scowls at me, like stopping for me was the hardest thing her ever had to do. I scowl back.

            It’s chaos in here. People throwing things at each other, walking around while the bus is driving, the whole shebang. The asshole bus driver doesn’t even wait for me to sit down, he stomps on the pedal and speeds off, causing me to almost fall. I walk down the aisle. All of the seats seem to be taken. Hey wait, there seems like there’s a free spot back there. I walk towards the back to check, but one of the popular kids in my grade sticks out his leg trying to trip me. I stumble and fall into the small space.

            “Fuck.” I mumble. I stand up and dust off my favorite shirt. I kick the guy that tripped me in the shin before walking away.

            “Ow, what was that for bitch?” He yells.

            “For being an asshole.”  I yell back.

            I get to the only empty spot on the bus and my breath gets caught in my throat. Well look at that, I have now officially laid my eyes on perfection twice in the past 14 years of my living.  


More author note thingies! These are fun to write haha :p And aw, I wasn't planning on Alex being bullied. Ah well, I'm too lazy to change it, so I guess I'll roll with it haha. Remember to Vote, Fan, and leave a comment! My mom literally just ran over yelling at me to get my ass in bed (it's a saturday night, 12:29 am... So technically i guess it's sunday haha.) You know how freakin long these things take to write!? But it's fun so eff it, I'll take getting yelled at any day. But yea, leave feedback in the comments, love reading those! <3 Oh and picture of what Alex was wearing on the side!

What are the CHANCEs? (A Greyson Chance Fan Fic) [EDITING/ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now