Chapter 3

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Peter was now sat in the medical wing of the school he had been in a daze from the beauty that the magic castle withheld. Peter knew it was magic. He saw one of the pictures move and he thought he saw a ghost. 

Madam Pomfrey was looking over the teen to make sure that he had no injuries. What she had found was quite surprising. The young man had many scars, the worst being large burn scars that covered his forearms. She also found the boy quite interesting with his animal features. It seemed like he was part of a creature that she had never heard of even in the wizarding world. 

The two looked up when the door opened and headmistress Mcgonagall walked in. Peter thought she looked like a stereotypical witch with the pointy hat and he wouldn't be surprised if she had a black cat like the witches in books he read. Madam Pomfrey went over and talked to the headmistress out of Peter's earshot, not as if he was listening.

Peter was watching the many potions on the shelves as some bubbled and others changed colours. He had seen magic before, with the fact that his father was Loki, but never had he seen magic like this. His dad never made potions and if he did they would always smell weird and look disgusting. 

Coming back to reality to make eye contact with the witch lady he smiled happily at her and she seemed quite surprised at the teenager's innocence even with the report she just got from her friend. She gave a polite smile in return. Before she could introduce herself the small voice of the teen spoke. 

"Are you a witch? Witches are so cool! Magic on its own is amazing and to be able to utilise that is just amazing! My dad knows magic but this is very different to his magic. Is that a wand? I've never seen someone use a wand to do magic before! Are you able to use magic without a wand? Does the wand act like a catalyst for magic? I'm sorry I got a little excited." Peter shyly played with a strand of his hair, a hint of red filling his cheeks. 

Mcgonagall let out a whisper of a chuckle she could already tell this one would be a handful. And so she sat on the end of his bed and answered the many questions he flung at her. She could feel the strong magic coming from this boy. A kind of magic she had never seen before. So very interesting..

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