Chapter 19

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The next day Peter and Draco woke up in New York still feeling groggy from their jetlag. They had spent the night in a place nearby the bus stop that they had arrived at late that night. The two teens cleaned themselves up before Draco shrunk their bags with a spell and Peter put them in his pocket and the two left for another day of travelling.

The two walked out onto the busy street Peter made sure to keep ahold of Draco's hand, while Peter expertly dodged everyone in the street. Draco followed Peter watching his face scrunch in concentration as he remembered how to navigate the streets of his home again.

An hour later the two were in front of a large tower and Peter looked up at it longingly but Draco knew that he was nervous. He tightened his grip on Peter's hand for a moment. Peter looked to Draco, who gave him a smile. "It's ok if you're not ready. I'm here with you either way no matter your decision." Draco hugged Peter close.

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