Chapter 9

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Harry heard movement in the room and so looked around just to see that all the other boys were still sleeping soundly. Peter let out a whimper making Harry's face contort into a crazed smile. "Oh poor Petey. Maybe you should have just stayed in the forest like the beast you are. My plan was going so well before you showed up." Harry spoke in a cold voice laced with venom.

Ron was pretending to sleep as he heard Harry's voice he knew it wasn't his friend. It was the voice of no-nose. Tears fell from Ron's eyes. He thought they had gotten rid of him last year. Hearing Peter let out a small cry broke Ron's heart. He didn't know what 'Harry' was showing Peter but it was enough to make the boy cry.

'Harry's' head snapped up as he heard a noise only to look towards where Seamus was snoring half falling off his bed. For a second Ron wondered how he could be asleep throughout this mess but remembered the boy had been studying all night for a transfiguration test that they didn't have until next week.

After realising there was no threat 'Harry' went back to his victim. That was when Neville returned with Professor Mcgonagall, Professor Snape and madam Pomfrey following behind. The lights in the room turned on blinding 'Harry' for a moment enough so that Professor Snape could restrain the boy with magic. Madam Pomfrey and Professor Mcgonagall quickly made their way over to Peter. Ron got up as well making his way over to Peter and the two witches. "Will he be alright?" Ron immediately asked.

"Don't worry he will be fine it is a terrible nightmare but there won't be any physical damage. I can't say much about the boys mental health though. It seems as if the poor boy has went to a terrible place. I wouldn't be surprised if he lost trust in people for a while." Madam Pomfrey spoke the truth. And Professor Mcgonagall turned to 'Harry'. "Harry-"

Ron spoke up again. "That thing is not Harry! He tricked us! That's no-nose! He has the red eyes and the voice and the evil! But he has a nose this time. So he is nosed-no-nose?" Ron's mind was fuzzy from the lack of sleep and from the shock of the situation hitting him at once. His mind tried to make sense of what was happening realising that he had been manipulated by a man pretending to be his best friend. Or maybe he was just in control of Harry.

Madam Pomfrey could tell what was happening with Ron and so gave the poor boy a potion to help with sleep and laid him back down on his bed. Peter had now calmed a little as Snape gave him a potion to stop the nightmare and calm him down then took 'Harry' away. It seemed like it was going to be a long night. Mcgonagall looked down at Peter who tightly hugged his pillow and made a decision she left the room. Who knew an innocent child would cause so much trouble? It was already giving her a headache.

Yo an actual update? Must be witchcraft. I forgot about Neville and can't be bothered to go back and write it in so he just been standing frozen in a corner.

Seamus this whole chapter Just wanted to sleep. Don't mess with someone's sleep after they did studying they didn't need. Even if someone be screaming.

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