Chapter 16

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Peter ran into professor Mcgonagall's office with Draco in his arms holding on for his life. Mcgonagall watched with slight amusement "and what may bring you two trouble makers to my office?" She raised an eyebrow at the teenagers.

Peter jumped up and down saying "home" and "New York" before the professor looked at Draco to translate. Shakily he stood up on his own before explaining the situation to Mcgonagall.

After the explanation there was a moment of silence before the professor spoke. "I understand so Peter is home just on another continent and you wish to go back with him? I see. Then how about we get some plane tickets for the two of you? I would suggest using a portkey but you may get questions from muggles. I'll get the paperwork for you both to get some passports."

Peter happily ran out the room with Draco sighing before following. Before he could leave the room Draco was stopped by his professor's words.

"I'm proud of you Draco, take care of yourself."

With a new felt happiness Draco left the office with a smile on his face as he followed the stares after his chaotic friend.

A wild update appears what will you do?

Might start working on the editing for these books.
Should I post each chapter once it's rewritten and edited or do one book at a time?

Anyway until next time I feel like I can write! Maybe even later today? Idk matters how I feel.

I just want to go homeWhere stories live. Discover now