Chapter 13

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Meanwhile in New York a certain god looked out his window. He looked at a large feather that he held in the palm of his hand.

It had been exactly 3 years since Peter had vanished. And the avengers had never been the same since, especially Loki.

The disappearance of the child had caused many things to change. And Loki had found it quite interesting how much of a hold a small mortal had on the world.

Crime rate had risen. People were losing hope as they missed their friendly neighbourhood spiderman. The people didn't understand what had happened. No one except the avengers and shield knew.

Fury had since thought back on his actions. He had apologised before he went off world 2 years ago. He thought he shouldn't be forgiven and so he threw himself into his work.

The avengers felt like they were missing a part of themselves. They weren't whole without the spider boy even if they didn't know him for that long.

Loki locked himself inside his room most of the time and refused to go outside unless it was necessary. He simply sat and waited. Sometimes he would cry. Or even scream. If anyone heard they didn't say anything. Afterall he did lose his son.

Surprisingly Peter's disappearance took the most out of Tony. He was always in his lab and when he wasn't Tony would find himself staring at his phone for hours just reading back messages as tears fell. He would often message the number hoping that one day he would get a response. That he would wake up from his nightmare.

But it felt like soon the nightmare would be over.

They felt that peace was near.

Peter would be home soon.

Maybe soon than they think.

Bit of a filler chapter but decided I wanted to add this thought it would be cool to see what the avengers have been up to and stuff.

Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter! Till next time!

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